NCCU Office of Community Engagement and Service

Our office develops and engages community partnerships and opportunities for service experiences (e.g., direct service, faculty-led alternative break experiences, global service and service-learning courses) for NCCU students, faculty and staff.

NCCU Office of Community Engagement and Service (OCES) recognizes that the development of student leaders starts with student engagement and the fulfillment of service.  OCES offers a wide-ranging and unique selection of virtual and in-person service opportunities to connect students with fulfilling their academic service requirements.


Ready to Get Involved?

Get Connected and check out our volunteer opportunities on and off campus to positively transform our local community.

Areas of Service

Students working outside

Every undergraduate first-degree, re-admitted and transfer student is required to do 15 hours of community service each semester while enrolled full-time.

NCCU student using a computer.

Community-based choices such as unpaid internships, clinical experiences and practicums are included in the curricula through courses, as are community-engaged options incorporating faculty-approved activities.

Eagles Vote

NCCU's Civic Engagement Working Group (CEWG) is a student-led initiative that has the backing of the community, teachers, staff and alumni.

Student Conduct and Community Standards

The NCCU Office of Community Engagement and Service (OCES) partners with community-based organizations such as nonprofits, public agencies from multiple industries and service-learning sites to support the growth and development of our students on and beyond the nest.

Army person with flag

Veterans who are currently enrolled at NCCU and who have served their country honorably in the military will get 60 hours of credit toward the 120 hours of community service that are necessary.

Professional student focused on her laptop

The Office of Community Engagement and Service hosts virtual workshops for students, faculty, staff, and community partners to inform our stakeholders of the various community and civic engagement opportunities available. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.


Students (Fall 2023/Spring 2024)


Hours per Student (Fall 2023/Spring 2024)


Service Hours Completed (Fall 2023/Spring 2024)

Picture of Dorothy I. Height

Without service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop.

Dorothy I. Height

Herbert, Calleen


Community Engagement and Service

location icon Nursing Building, Room 3131

email icon [email protected]

phone icon 919-530-6143

View Profile


Messick, Ruby S

Assistant Director - Partner Engagement

Community Engagement and Service

location icon Nursing Building, Room 3127

email icon [email protected]

phone icon 919-530-5384

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Contact Us

[email protected]


Nursing Building, 3rd Floor
GPS Address: 1402 S. Alston Avenue

Mailing Address:
NCCU Office of Community Engagement and Service
1801 Fayetteville Street
Nursing Building, 3rd Floor
Durham, NC 27707