Chancellor: Dr. Karrie G. Dixon
Student Enrollment:
Number of Students: 8,579
Undergraduates: 6,595
Graduate/Professional: 1984
Student Profile: 75.7% African American, 7.9% White, 6.5% Hispanic, 9.8% Other
Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention: 72.7%
Campus-housed Undergraduates: 38.6%
Student/Faculty Ratio: 16:1
Average Class Size: 21
Number of Degrees Offered: 114
Bachelor's: 35
Master's: 31
Certificates: 46
Doctoral: 2
Number of Degrees Awarded (2023–2024): 1,559
Top Undergraduate Degree Programs:
- Business Administration
- Pre-Nursing
- Psychology
- Information Technology
- Mass Communication
Top Graduate Degree Programs:
- Law
- Business Administration
- Library Science
- Social Work
- Psychology
Top Rankings
- NCCU: No. 15 HBCU nationwide; In southern region, No. 34 overall, No. 14 best college for veterans, No. 15 top public school and No. 18 top performer in social mobility (U.S. News & World Report 2025)
- Best Online Bachelor's Programs: No. 9 in N.C., No. 2 HBCU in N.C. and No. 2 HBCU nationwide (U.S. News & World Report 2025)
- Best Online Bachelor's Programs for Veterans: No. 5 in N.C., No. 2 HBCU in N.C. and No. 2 HBCU nationwide (U.S. News & World Report 2025)
- NCCU School of Law: No. 5 nationwide for female enrollment (Enjuris, 2024)
Number of Buildings: 62
Number of Registered Student Organizations: 175
Athletic Conference: 14 sports in the NCAA Division I MEAC (Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference)
Tuition and Fees (per academic year):
Undergraduate In-State: $9,065
Undergraduate Out-of-State: $22,101
Graduate In-State: $10,003
Graduate Out-of-State: $23,311
First Professional (J.D.) In-State: $18,727
First Professional (J.D.) Out-of-State: $41,399
Ph.D. In-State: $10,003
Ph.D. Out-of-State: $23,311
Employees: 1,638
Faculty: 549
Staff: 1,089