North Carolina Central University will transition to Condition 2 (Suspended Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy effective through 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 2 may be extended.
Graduate Council Committee
2023–2024 Membership
Rezaie, Jaleh
Associate Provost & Dean
Graduate Studies
Graduate Council Curriculum Subcommittee
Chair - Dr. Christopher Paul
The Graduate Curriculum subcommittee makes recommendations to the Graduate Council on all course and program additions and modifications. Changes to the curriculum must be approved by the Graduate Council and the graduate dean before being forwarded to the Academic Planning Council (APC).
Info Accordions
Membership in the Graduate Curriculum subcommittee consists of the following:
- Three council members (each holding faculty rank – no more than one from each of the academic colleges or schools)
- Council or non-council member(s) selected from faculty holding graduate faculty status from unrepresented colleges, as needed
The Graduate Curriculum subcommittee is responsible for the following:
- The committee leads the review of all requests for new graduate courses, graduate program concentrations, certificate programs and other graduate curricula changes proposed by academic units.
- The committee ensures that the curricula requests received comply with policies and guidelines for graduate curricular changes.
- The committee presents curriculum change requests from academic units in the Graduate Council meetings and recommends approval or disapproval of the requests.
- The committee regularly reviews and updates the Graduate catalog by working with each college, school and department.
The Chair of the Graduate Curriculum subcommittee is elected from among the subcommittee members for a one-year term. The election will be held during the first fall meeting of the Graduate Curriculum subcommittee. A chair may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
Requests for reconsideration of decisions made by the Graduate Council regarding graduate curriculum matters may be submitted to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. Appeals of the decision of the School of Graduate Studies regarding graduate curriculum matters may be submitted to the Academic Planning Council (APC).
Glass, Wykeshia
Associate Professor, Program Coordinator, Early Childhood Ed.
Curriculum and Instruction
H. M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building, Room 2098
Jackson, Karen K
Professor of English/Director, University Honors Program
Language and Literature
Eagle Landing Residence Hall Room First Floor Office Suite
919-530-7477 and 7149
Paul, Christopher J
Associate Professor and Chair, MPA Program
Public Administration
Pearce, James
Director of Graduate Studies
Language and Literature
Pearcy, Agnes G
Associate Dean
Library and Information Sciences
Powell, Kimberly
Program Director, Assistant Professor
Human Sciences
Smith, Dr. Nina
Associate Dean
College of Health and Sciences
Warren, Jeffrey
Associate Dean
School of Education
H. M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building, Room 2066
White, Sharon D
Associate Dean
Graduate Council Faculty Affairs Subcommittee
Chair - Dr. Timothy Mulrooney
Info Accordions
Membership on the Faculty Affairs subcommittee consists of the following:
- Three council members (each holding faculty rank – no more than one from each of the academic colleges or schools)
- Additional council or non-council member(s) selected from faculty holding graduate faculty status from unrepresented colleges, as needed
The Faculty Affairs subcommittee is responsible for the following:
- The committee recommends criteria and expectations for graduate faculty status.
- The committee reviews requests for appointment and reappointment to graduate faculty status and recommends approval or disapproval of the requests.
- The committee addresses matters relevant to the support and advocacy of graduate faculty.
The chairperson of the Faculty Affairs subcommittee is elected from among the subcommittee members for a one-year term. The election will be held during the initial fall meeting of the Faculty Affairs subcommittee. A chairperson may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
Requests for reconsideration of decisions made by the Graduate Council regarding faculty applications may be submitted to the dean of the School of Graduate Studies. Appeals of the decision of the School of Graduate Studies regarding faculty applications may be submitted to the provost or vice-president of Academic Affairs.
Cunningham, Chris
Program Director of Library Science
Library and Information Sciences
Gibbs-Roseboro, Portia
Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator School Administration
Curriculum and Instruction
Graves, Lorraine M
Assistant Professor
Social Work
Marshall, S. Alex
Associate Professor
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
McMickens, Tryan
Associate Professor, Program Coordinator Higher Education Admin
Counseling and Higher Education
Mulrooney, Timothy J
Associate Professor
Environmental, Earth and Geospatial Sciences
White, Shauntae B
Interim Associate Dean
Mass Communication
Whiting, Peggy P
Professor, Program Coordinator Counselor Education Program
Counseling and Higher Education
H. M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building, Room 2021
Yan, Fei
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Graduate Student Affairs Subcommittee
Chair - Kiera Alston
Info Accordions
Membership on the Student Affairs subcommittee consists of the following:
- Three council members (no more than one from each of the academic colleges or schools each holding faculty rank and one graduate student)
- Additional council or non-council member(s) selected from faculty holding graduate faculty status from one of the unrepresented colleges or current graduate students in good standing, as needed
The Student Affairs subcommittee is responsible for the following:
- The committee reviews graduate student-related requests (candidacy and plan of thesis or projects, appeals of dismissal, etc.) and recommend the approval or disapproval of requests.
- The committee Hears appeals regarding graduate student matters
- The committee addresses matters relevant to the support and advocacy of graduate and professional students.
- The committee helps stimulate activities that promote scholarship and professional growth of graduate students on the campus (i.e., Graduate Student Research Symposium, School of Graduate Studies job fairs and preparing future faculty).
- The committee monitors the School of Graduate Studies website and recommends changes for improvement, upkeep and information accuracy for all graduate programs.
The chairperson of the Student Affairs subcommittee is elected from among the subcommittee members for a one-year term. The election will be held during the first fall meeting of the Student Affairs subcommittee. A chairperson may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
Requests for reconsideration of decisions made by the Graduate Council regarding student petitions may be submitted to the dean of the School of Graduate Studies. Appeals of the decision made by the School of Graduate Studies regarding student petitions may be submitted to the provost or vice-president of Academic Affairs.
Alston, Kiera
Graduate Admissions Specialist
Graduate Studies
Chestnut, Carol
Associate Dean of Students
Crowe, Benjamin
Associate Professor
Mathematics and Physics
Day Grady, Siobahn
Program Director of Information Science
Library and Information Sciences
Dorwart, Catherine E
Professor, Graduate Program Director
Kinesiology and Recreation Administration
Johnson, Fredrick D
Assistant Dean College of Health and Sciences
Mathematics and Physics
McGill-Youngblood, Larrisha
Director, Office of E-Learning
Division of Extended Studies
Pierce, Nigel
Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator, Special Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Wilborn, LaChelle R
Clinical Assistant Professor
Graduate Council Policies and Procedures Subcommittee
Chair - Dr. Lorna Grant
Info Accordions
Membership on the Strategic Planning subcommittee consists of the following:
- Three council members (no more than one from each of the academic colleges or schools each holding faculty rank and one graduate student)
- Additional council or non-council member(s) selected from faculty holding graduate faculty status from one of the unrepresented colleges or current graduate students in good standing, as needed
The Strategic Planning subcommittee is responsible for the following:
- The committee leads the development and implementation of the strategic plan for the Graduate Council with consistency with the University’s Strategic Plan.
- The committee helps set annual objectives consistent with the long-term goals and objectives of the Graduate Council.
- The committee leads the review and assessment of Graduate Council activities.
- The committee regularly reviews academic policies for the School of Graduate Studies and makes recommendations for new policies or revisions to existing policies.
- The committee recommends processes and procedures that maintain good operating principles and practices for all graduate programs.
- The committee helps to assure that admissions, academic performance and graduation standards are equitable across all graduate programs at the university.
The chairperson of the Strategic Planning subcommittee is elected from among the subcommittee members for a one-year term. The election will be held during the initial fall meeting of the Faculty Affairs subcommittee. A chairperson may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
Charles, Walter G
Associate Professor
Grant, Lorna E
Criminal Justice
Hall, Kellyn
Professor, Graduate Studies Coordinator
Communication Sciences and Disorders
H. M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building, Room 1034
Kazi, Malimi
Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator, Educational Technology
Curriculum and Instruction
Nadel, Joshua
Zheng, Weifan
Associate Professor
Biomanufacturing Research Institute and Technology Enterprise
Graduate Council Executive Committee (Chairs of Subcommittees)
Chair - Dr. Jaleh Rezaie
The Executive Committee is comprised of the chairs of the standing subcommittees. The Executive Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the dean of the School of Graduate Studies.
To develop the agenda for the Graduate Council Executive Committee Meeting, the administrative assistant assigned to assist the Graduate Council (GCAA) will consult with the dean and members of the executive subcommittee in the week prior to the executive subcommittee meeting and ask if they have any agenda items that are needed. The GCAA will then send a draft agenda including those items and any items for consideration at the full meeting at least two academic days prior to the executive subcommittee meeting.
The Graduate Council Executive subcommittee will normally meet one week prior to the meeting of the full Graduate Council. At that meeting, the Executive Committee will finalize the agenda for the full council meeting. The agenda for the meeting of the full Graduate Council will then be sent to all council members via email and materials will be put on Blackboard for review.
The Graduate Council may elect to delegate normal responsibilities, such as review of graduate faculty status, review of graduate course modification, petitions for waiver of academic requirements, etc., to the executive committee during the summer months when the full Graduate Council is not in session.
Alston, Kiera
Graduate Admissions Specialist
Graduate Studies
Grant, Lorna E
Criminal Justice
Paul, Christopher J
Associate Professor and Chair, MPA Program
Public Administration
Rezaie, Jaleh
Associate Provost & Dean
Graduate Studies