Core principles are set into place in order to obtain informed consent, minimize the risk of harm to potential participants, protect anonymity and confidentiality, and give participants the right to withdraw from any activities. The Office of Research Compliance and Technology Transfer's core principles are as follows:
- Monitor all North Carolina Central University (NCCU) research activities to ensure compliance with relevant federal, state, and local regulations and university policies and procedures.
- Address existing and potential hazards to compliance proactively in order to minimize liability and protect those engaged and impacted by NCCU research.
- Support faculty, staff, and students with training and resources to establish an environment of accountability and integrity while encouraging scientific discovery, innovation, and safety.
- Protect the University’s intellectual property and facilitate opportunities to commercialize new knowledge and technologies.
- Protect faculty, staff, and students who are reporting occurrences of noncompliance.
For employees and students, please call 919-530-5140 to report a research compliance concern or report online.