Writing and Speaking Studios FAQs
Info Accordions
You must visit the Writing and Speaking Studio in Taylor Education, room 102, or call us at 919-530-6035 to make your profile and appointment with a member of our professional staff.
How Can I Schedule an Appointment?
We welcome undergraduates, graduate students and professional students from all programs and at any stage of the writing process. We also welcome faculty, staff and NCCU alumni who require our services.
We offer focused writing workshops and informational presentations about our services to your class or organization. With prior arrangement, we can accommodate required sessions for entire classes. The director also offers curriculum and assignment consultations for faculty from any discipline who wish to enhance writing instruction. Please see our Helpful Links section to complete the new faculty request and requirement form.
The Studio’s founder recognized that writing (and speaking), like any art, is a work in-progress; therefore, our Studio serves as a safe space for people to perfect that work and craft their voice, to create and reflect. It’s a space that acknowledges the capacity for continual improvement and growth in our students and ourselves.
We tend to refer those who need help with professional job search documents to the office of Career Services.
No. We are not an editing service. Also, unless you are faculty, we do not recommend asynchronous consultations (also known as e-tutoring). Students are expected to actively participate in a real-time session with our consultants.
During any given Writing Studio session, you will speak one-on-one with a consultant about your writing. You should not expect your consultant to do the writing for you or fix the changes you need. You will collaborate with the consultant to improve the work you’ve done.
- The assignment sheet, instructions, writing or speech prompt or rubric
- A draft of your work (if you have one)
- Questions about your writing or speech
- A positive attitude and an open mind
- A mask (preferred if in-person)
Call us or email your consultant directly to let us know you will be late.
Please call the Writing and Speaking Studio to let someone know if you no longer need your appointment or wish to cancel or reschedule. You may also email your consultant directly to let them know.
Call the Writing and Speaking Studio to help troubleshoot your technical issue.
After your appointment, your consultant will send you a PDF of your completed confirmation to email to your instructor or upload to Blackboard. If you do not receive one, please email your consultant.