University Alert

Considering the ongoing winter weather event affecting Durham and surrounding areas, the university will extend the current Condition 2 status (Suspended Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy through Friday, Feb. 21, at 11:59 p.m. An update about Saturday’s operations will be shared on Friday afternoon. All non-essential campus operations are suspended during this period.

Title III Program

North Carolina Central University receives Title III funding from the US Department of Education. This program is designed to assist institutions of higher education with becoming self-sufficient and expanding their capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality, institutional management, student services and outcomes and fiscal stability of eligible institutions.

The Title III Program (Title III) at North Carolina Central University reports to the Office of the Provost. The office manages all Title III funding awarded to the University from the US Department of Education. This includes providing programmatic and fiscal oversight of the many activities supported by this federal funding.  These responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Assisting with proposal applications and budget preparation
  • Providing training to activity coordinators and staff
  • Ensuring the University maintains compliance with all federal and state regulations
  • Determining if budget requests are allowable, allocable and reasonable
  • Monitoring and approving expenditures according to Federal and University rules and regulations
  • Preparing and submitting interim and annual performance reports

Fiscal Year





Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)

The Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program awards grants to eligible institutions to assist them in strengthening their academic, administrative, and fiscal capabilities. Funding can be used to support institution services, educational equipment, acquisition of real property, renovations or additional improvement of campus facilities. It also supports the improvement of financial and economic literacy designed for students, financial management information, faculty development and the implementation of other project activities described under the Legislative Allowable Activities (LAA) outlined in the program statute.

Historically Black Graduate Institutions (HBGI)

The Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Program provides grants to assist institutions in establishing and strengthening their physical plants, development offices, endowment funds, academic resources and student services. Funding may be used for the purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment; to support the construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement of instruction facilities; for the development of academic instruction in disciplines in which black Americans are underrepresented, and for the purchase of library materials.  Also, funding may be used for projects in tutoring, counseling, and student service programs that are designed to improve academic successand the implementation of other project activities described under the Legislative Allowable Activities (LAA) outlined in the program statute. 

Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education (FUTURE Act)

This program awards grants to eligible institutions to assist them in strengthening their academic, administrative and fiscal capabilities. These programs are typically funded through annual discretionary appropriations and with additional annual mandatory appropriations provided through the FUTURE Act, which extended mandatory funding beyond the fiscal year 2019. Supported activities may include the purchase of rental or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes; the construction, maintenance, renovation and improvement of a classroom, library, laboratory or other instructional facilities - including the purchase or rental of telecommunications technology equipment or services; and other activities designed to increase the institution's capacity to prepare students for careers in the physical or natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, information technology or sciences, engineering, language instruction in the less commonly taught languages or international affairs, or nursing or allied health professions.

Forms and Documents

Operations Manual

This Title III Operations manual is designed to provide guidance on many federal and University policies and procedures related to managing Title III funding at the department level.

Proposal Form

This form must be submitted internally by the pre-determined due date when requesting financial support using Title III funding.

Changes to Activity Objective or Schedule

When programmatic changes are anticipated for your activity/program, the form should be submitted as soon as possible for a timely internal approval.

Budget Transfer Form
(for Title III Only)

This form must be submitted in conjunction with the electronic transfer in Self-Service Banner (SSB). A sufficient justification is mandatory to obtain approval.

Monthly Expenditures
Analysis Report

Expenditures analysis reports should be submitted to the Director by the 30th of each month.

Annual and Interim Performance Report

This report must be submitted internally by the pre-determined due date for review and approval prior to submission to the US Department of Education.

Taskstream Instructions

Use this document for assistance in reporting on goals, performance indicators and tasks and measures within the Taskstream portal.

Terms and Conditions

This document must be signed and attached to all contracts and agreements funded by Title III funds.

Equipment Report

This form must be submitted to the Title III Office at the end of each grant year.

Proposal Transmittal Form

This form must be submitted to the Title III Office with the proposal form. Internal approval from the appropriate personnel is required to request Title III support.

Eagle flying on a red background

Madden, Cassandra W

Executive Assistant

Title III

location icon Farrison-Newton Communications Building, Room 115G

email icon[email protected]

phone icon 919-530-7854


Robinson, Demetria F

Accountant II

Title III Programs

location icon Farrison-Newton Communications Building, Room 115G

email icon [email protected]

phone icon 919-530-5034

Eagle flying on a red background

Shaw, Brenda R

Director Title III

Title III

location icon Farrison-Newton Communications Building, Room 115G

email icon[email protected]

phone icon 919-530-7853