In late 2018, the HOPE Program was established by the Julius L. Chambers Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Institute (JLC-BBRI) of NC Central. The initial focus was on health equity, environment and population health within three counties approximate to the North Carolina Research Campus: Anson County, Cabarrus County, and Rowan County. The Program’s first objective was to identify strategies to enhance community health in all three counties and included technical and administrative assistance to all three counties’ public health departments. As part of its service commitment, the HOPE Program provided on-site epidemiology assistance to Anson County and Cabarrus County; they also provided an organizational analysis for Rowan County public health. In addition, the HOPE Program developed health equity maps for multiple counties to aid them in planning new health initiatives. When the COVID-19 pandemic began to devastate our nation and state, the entire focus of the HOPE Program shifted to supporting the efforts of the JLC-BBRI’s Advanced Center for COVID-Related Disparities (ACCORD). Research efforts focused on COVID-19 testing and vaccination will continue at the HOPE Program, but the primary focus continues to be increasing health equity among historically marginalized populations.