University Alert

North Carolina Central University will operate under Condition 1 (Reduced Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy starting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and continuing through 11:59 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 1 may be extended.

REG - 30.06.17 Purchase of Used Items Regulation

Responsible Office:
Purchasing Department, 919-530-5063
Effective Date: February 11, 2013, revised April 26, 2016
Related Links:

1. Purpose

The purpose of this regulation is to provide guidance for the purchase of used items.

2. Scope

This regulation applies to all faculty and staff procuring goods.

3. Purchase of Used Items

3.1  State Policy and Regulations

3.1.1  When desired goods are used items and cost more than $5,000, the NCCU Purchasing Department must determine if the acquisition is in the public interest.

3.1.2  If feasible, the bids for the items must be solicited. 

3.1.3  Used goods cannot be purchased if the same type of items is available on State Term Contract, without approval by the Division of Purchase and Contract.

3.1.4  Request for bids on used items should include a request for prices on like new products.  Used items that are subject to prior sale can be considered for a waiver of competition.

3.1.5  Although the University has no definite policy prohibiting the purchase of used equipment, it is not generally considered to be in the best interest of the University to purchase used equipment.

3.1.6  This policy does not apply to the purchase of Federal, State or University Surplus property.

3.1.7  For the most part, surplus equipment offered from these agencies is priced at a very nominal figure, and can be purchased by the University.

4. Demonstrator Equipment

4.1  Often companies will offer at special rates, demonstrator equipment under new warranty conditions.

4.1.2  Offers of this type are usually a good buy, but cannot be accepted without first offering competition an opportunity to quote on similar equipment.