University Alert

North Carolina Central University will transition to Condition 2 (Suspended Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy effective through 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 2 may be extended.

REG - 30.04.7 Cash Deposits Regulation

Responsible Office:
Cashier's Office, 919-530-6209
Effective Date: July 1, 2012; Revised: March 22, 2016


1. Purpose

The purpose of this regulation is to ensure collecting and recording student payments and departmental deposits are in adherence to University policies and procedures.

2. Scope

Applies to all Faculty, Staff and Students.

3. Methods & Forms of Payments

3.1  The Cashier’s Office accepts Cash, Personal Checks, Money Orders, Visa, & MasterCard. Payments can be made in the Cashier’s Office, online (Tuition & Fines only), over the phone, or by wire transfer.

3.2  Personal Checks cannot be accepted for payment of Transcripts

3.3  The Cashier’s Office will not accept nor process any payments made in the form of large amounts of change if that change has not been wrapped prior to being presented to the Cashier Office staff.

3.4  Please be advised that there may be an extended wait time during peak periods which are usually during the first 4 weeks of the start of the semester. It is recommended that Students pay online to avoid long wait times since payments post in real time. Departments may need to drop off deposits and pick up receipts at a later time so Students can be serviced.

3.5  Payments Made Over the Phone.

3.5.1  Students can contact the Cashier’s Office to make payment during regular hours at 919-530-6234, 6209, or 6014. Callers will be placed on hold if a Cashier is servicing another customer when the call is received. Only credit card payments can be taken over the phone.

3.6  Online payments.

3.6.1  Students can make payments online for balances that appear on Student Banner Account only such as Tuition or fines through their MyEOL Accounts ( After logging in select the following: Banner SSB -> Student Tab -> View E-Bill -> NCCU Account Suite -> eBills (found on the top menu) -> Pay.

3.7  Mailed payments

3.7.1  Payments can be mailed to the address listed below. Please include all details related to the payment such as Student Name, Banner ID, contact number, and purpose of payment such as remaining balance Fall 2016, Application Fee, Housing Hold, etc. 

c/o/ Comptroller
P.O. Box 19713
Durham, NC 27707

3.8  Wire Transfer Payments

3.8.1  Students can send funds directly from their bank via a Wire Transfer. This is not the same as a bill payment feature that some banks offer. Students or Parents will need to contact the Cashier’s Office to obtain the instructions on how to wire the funds which will depend on where the funds are coming from such as a domestic or international wire. The Cashier’s Office will notify the student once the funds are received and identified. Wire Transfers are usually received & processed within a week once the funds are sent.

4. Departmental Deposits

4.1  Banner Finance requires the use of a new account number system called FOAP. The FOAP is the Fund, Organization, Account and Program code that must be listed on the Cashier Receipt Form. Cashier Receipt Forms can be obtained from the Cashier’s Office. 

4.2  Once the Cashier Receipt is completed the Departmental Deposit can be processed. Please be advised that the Cashier Office does not have a listing of FOAPS nor can we move funds between accounts. 

4.3  All departments are required to bring departmental deposits to the Cashier’s Office daily if you have deposits that total $250 or more.  If your deposit is less than $250, the deposit must be made weekly.  State regulations have a threshold greater than $250; however, internal control concerns dictate that the university observes a higher standard.

4.4  Departments can choose to drop off deposits which is recommended during our peak timeframe. Dropped off Departmental Deposits are completed in 1 business day.  Please contact the Comptroller’s Office if you have any questions regarding what FOAP to use for the deposit.

5. Inter-Agency Wire Transfers

5.1  The State Cash Management System is checked several times daily for Inter-Agency Wire Transfers. All departments expecting funds to be transferred through the State Cash Management System should notify & provide the Cashier Office with FOAP information in order to process the funds. Any funds that have not been claimed will be placed in the Holding Account.

6. Distribution of Checks

6.1  The Cashier’s Office no longer distributes payroll checks. Payroll vouchers can be printed from Self-Serve Banner.

6.2  Student Refund checks are no longer distributed in the Cashier’s Office. Students have the option of having their refund checks deposited in their designated checking or saving account. If you do not desire direct deposit, your refund check will be mailed.

6.3  Employees must notify the Cashier’s Office via email if they wish for a 3rd party to pick up a check on their behalf. The email must be sent from their NCCU Email address and will be kept on file unless otherwise stated by the employee. Please send an email to all employees listed in the Cashier’s Office Directory for the most up-to-date staff contact information. All Faculty, Staff and Students must show a picture ID in order to pick up checks from the Cashier’s Office. A North Carolina Central University ID is preferred.