North Carolina Central University will transition to Condition 2 (Suspended Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy effective through 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 2 may be extended.
REG - 30.01.6 Design (A/E) Selection Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance pertaining to Architectural and Engineering Design Selection. This policy is in accordance with the North Carolina General Statues, and the State Building Commission. These policies are based on the belief that the realization of superior facilities and environments begins by selecting the best-qualified designers. These policies intend to guide this process in order to engage the best-qualified professionals to address the functional, fiscal, and aesthetic requirements of each project.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all architectural and engineering design selections at North Carolina Central University.
3. Design Selection
3.1 There are three types of designer selection processes, each with varying levels of cost components. The selection process is managed by the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management with input from Capital Projects Management. The Board of Trustees must be involved in each designer selection process, and is the approving body for all selections.
3.2 Annual Service Contracts.
3.2.1 Advertised every year in April.
3.2.2 Limited to projects where fees do not exceed $36,000 per project.
3.2.3 $300,000 limit on fees per contract term - typically two (2) years.
3.2.4 Targeted to smaller firms and firms that have not performed work at NCCU recently.
3.2.5 A list of 10-20 designers is proposed by Facilities Management staff for approval by Trustees at its June meeting.
3.3 Minor Projects (Under $500,000).
3.3.1 No interview is required.
3.3.2 Targeted for smaller firms.
3.3. Facilities Management staff will recommend three (3) firms, listed in priority order.
3.3.4 Approved by Chair of the Building Committee and ratified by other committee members.
3.4 Major Projects (Over $500,000).
3.4.1 Previous experience on similar buildings is required.
3.4.2 Ability of firm to perform work is evaluated - workload.
3.4.3 Collaborations with larger firms are encouraged.
3.4.4 Pre-Selection Committee is established by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities.
3.4.5 Management and includes two (2) Trustees, two (2) user representatives and three (3) Facilities staff members.
3.4.6 Pre-Selection Committee recommends shortlist of three (3) firms to be interviewed - list is approved by Chair, Building Committee.
3.4.7 Rank order established by Pre-Selection Committee immediately after last interview.
3.4.8 Approval of the recommendation of the Pre-Selection Committee by the BOT Building Committee.
3.4.9 Building Committee Chair reports the selection approval to BOT.
3.5 Designer Selection Summary - Major Projects Only (Interview Required).
3.5.1 Project Identification - The initial step in capital improvements project development is to define the project intent, scope, and budget. This is accomplished by the Facilities Management staff, in concert with the using Unit.
3.5.2 Public Announcement - The project requirements for professional services (architects, engineers, landscape architects, and other designers) are sent to the State Construction Office to be announced in the North Carolina; Interactive Purchasing System (IPS). Notices in other professional publications may be used.
3.5.3 Receive Letters of Interest - The University receives a Statement of Interest and qualifications from designers. Proposals shall include a current SF 254 form and be limited to 20 pages (exclusive of the SF 254).
3.5.4 Pre-Selection Committee - For major new buildings, major additions, and comprehensive renovation projects (cost greater than $500,000), the Associate Vice Chancellor shall establish a Pre-Selection Committee which will normally consist of: two (2) current members of the Board of Trustees Building Committee, two (2) user representatives, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management, the University Architect and the Project Manager. In rare instances, when two Trustees are not available, one Trustee will handle the responsibility. (Participation by the Trustees in the Pre-Selection Committees will be based on availability and rotated among the members).
3.5.5 Short List - For major projects over $500,000, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management, in consultation with the Capital Projects Management staff and user, will review the submissions from interested firms and make recommendation to the Chairman of Trustees' Building Committee for at least three (3) firms to be interviewed. On projects requiring special qualifications a limited number of firms may be asked to submit additional data relevant to the project's specific requirements. For minor projects under $500,000, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management, in consultation with the Capital Projects Management staff and user, will review the submissions and recommend at least three firms in priority order to the Chairman of the Trustees' Building Committee for the Board of Trustees approval.
3.5.6 Selection Criteria - In preparing recommendations for firms to be interviewed or direct selected, the selection committee shall take into consideration the following qualification information factors: Experience and expertise in the project type being evaluated. Past performance on similar projects. Experience in design projects to be part of an existing campus context. Adequate staff and proposed consultant team - qualifications and examples of previous collaborations. Historically Underutilized Business representation in proposed consultant team. Current workload and State projects awarded. Proposed design approach or methodology. Recent experience with project cost estimates and schedule adherence. Construction administration capabilities. Record of successfully completed projects without major legal or technical problems. Other factors which may be appropriate to the project.
3.5.7 Interview Briefing - The Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management and/or the University Architect will simultaneously brief the three (3) selected firms and provide them with sufficient project information to which the designer may respond in the interview.
3.5.8 Interview/Rank Order - The interview will be conducted in a professional manner allocating an equal amount of time for each firm's presentation. The interviews will consist of the firm's presentation of its qualifications, response to specific project parameters and questions from the Pre-Selection Committee. Immediately following the interview, the Pre-Selection Committee shall review and rank order the firms.
3.5.9 Selection - The rank ordering of firms will be presented to the full Board of Trustees Building Committee for consideration. It is within the authority the Building Committee to accept or reject the recommendation of the Selection Committee. The Full Board of Trustees is informed of the Trustees' Building Committee's action at their next scheduled meeting.
3.5.10 Communication - The interviewed firms will then be notified by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management of the Trustees' Building Committee's selection.
3.5.11 Evaluation - Essential to the University selection process is the accumulation of data regarding each designer's performance. This is accomplished through evaluations from: the users, Facilities Management Department and other post occupancy evaluations. It shall be the responsibility of the Capital Improvements Project Coordinator to seek and collect information regarding each designer's performance and to prepare designer evaluation reports as described in the North Carolina Construction Manual.