University Alert

North Carolina Central University will transition to Condition 2 (Suspended Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy effective through 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 2 may be extended.

RUL - 50.04.1 Appointment to Conduct Research in the Julius L. Chambers Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute (BBRI) Rule

Research and Sponsored Programs
Responsible Office:
Sponsored Research and Programs
BBRI Associate Director 919-530-7025
Effective Date: October 31, 2016


1. Purpose

The mission of the Julius L. Chambers Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute (BBRI or “Institute”) is to support the conduct of multidisciplinary and inter-institutional research focused on health issues that disproportionately affect minority and underserved groups while providing students with research experiences that will enhance their access to careers in the biomedical sciences. The BBRI was established in 1998 and consists of 40,000 square feet of 522 square foot laboratories and 100 square foot offices.  In addition, research is supported by a number of core laboratory facilities with equipment and other resources. Those individuals conducting research in the BBRI are Faculty with appointments in an academic department, or Research Scientists hired to work exclusively in the Institute. Faculty conducting research in the BBRI are granted release from academic duties for a specified percentage of time, and are expected to reimburse the department for this time from sponsored research funding.  Faculty with release time are expected to develop an active and competitive research effort consisting of peer reviewed journal publications, the submission of well-considered applications and the award of grants and/or contracts to support their studies. The BBRI facilities and equipment provide finite space to support modern biomedical research.  Thus, it is a privilege to use the space and other resources to conduct research and train students.

2. Scope

The scope of this rule is to establish the process by which Faculty can be appointed to conduct research in the BBRI and to establish the conditions under which this privilege can remain, be decreased or eliminated. Further, the portion of laboratory and office space allocated to a Faculty member will be determined by the procedures in this rule to ensure the most appropriate use of the Institute’s resources.

3.  Definitions

3.1  Faculty means tenure-track or tenured personnel who have appointments in any academic department.

3.2  Research Scientist means an EHRA-non faculty member who is hired to conduct research full-time with a time limited appointment which can be renewed.

3.3  Advisory Committee means a multidisciplinary group of individuals internal and external to the University who review the quality and relevance of the scientific and technical information on the research programs and plans. This body provides advice and recommendations to the Director of the Institute.

4.  Procedures for the Appointment of Faculty Members to the BBRI

4.1  For consideration of an appointment to the BBRI, a Faculty member must have earned an award for research support (i.e., internal/external funding).

4.2  An academic department Chair and the Dean of the College/School determine if the requested release time from a Faculty member’s teaching responsibilities is appropriate and establishes the percentage of time allowed for research.  The Dean of the College/School is the final authority.

4.3  The Dean of the College/School submits a letter of recommendation, the Faculty’s curriculum vitae, and a completed NIH Research Grant Application SF-424 to the Director of the Institute.

4.4  The Director of the Institute reviews the application package to determine the space needed, the fit and appropriateness of the studies proposed, the source of funding for equipment and supplies, and the likelihood that the research will be competitive for continued or new external support.

4.5  The Director of the Institute will submit the information and assessment to the Advisory Committee.

4.6  Within sixty (60) calendar days of receiving the information and assessment, the Advisory Committee will submit a letter to the Director of the Institute recommending either approval or denial of the individual’s appointment to the BBRI.  The Director of the Institute makes the final decision.

4.7  If approved, a letter of appointment will be sent from the Director of the Institute to the Dean, with a copy to the Department Chair and Faculty member, stating the length of the period of appointment, the assigned space, and the expectations for the conduct of a competitive research program.  All sponsored research support of the Faculty member will be administered within the BBRI.

5.  Procedures for Appointment of Research Scientists hired Specifically to Work in the BBRI

5.1  The conditions of employment as indicated in the Research Scientist’s appointment letter will describe the allocated space and resources to be used.

5.2  The competitiveness and grantsmanship of Research Scientists are critical, since their appointments support the conduct of research full time.  Therefore, lack of productivity as determined by the Director of the Institute and the Advisory Committee may be grounds for termination of a Research Scientist.

6.  Conditions for Continued Use of Space and Resources in the BBRI

6.1  Sixty (60) calendar days prior to the end of the initial term of appointment, if a Faculty member desires to remain a member of the BBRI, the Faculty member should follow the requirements in Paragraph 4.3 above.  If a Research Scientist desires to remain a member of the BBRI, the Research Scientist should submit an NIH Research Grant Application SF-424 to the Director of the Institute.  The Director of the Institute will submit the information to the Advisory Committee for review, and the Advisory Committee will submit a letter to the Director of the Institute recommending either approval or denial of the individual’s continued appointment to the BBRI. The Director of the Institute makes the final decision.  The outcome of the review (approval or denial) will be sent to the Dean of the College/School from the Director of the Institute with a copy to the Department Chair and Faculty member, or directly to the Research Scientist.   If approved, the letter of continued appointment will specify the period of time, space allocation, resources, and expectations.  The Dean of the College/School will have the final authority as to the amount of release time to be devoted to research for each Faculty member having space in the BBRI.

6.2  An annual assessment of research progress, grantsmanship, and the percentage of salary reimbursement returned to the academic department, as applicable, will be conducted by the Director of the Institute and the Advisory Committee.  Recommendations for Faculty will be sent to the academic department to be incorporated into the academic review and into considerations for the amount of release time to be granted each year.

6.3  The results of the annual assessment will be used to determine the amount of laboratory space, office space, and other resources to be continued in the BBRI for Faculty members and Research Scientists.

6.4  With thirty (30) calendar days’ notice to the academic department, the Director of the Institute can withdraw a Faculty member’s privilege to conduct research in the BBRI or decrease or eliminate space and resources per his/her discretion at any time, independent of the results from an annual review. Discontinuation of appointment in BBRI and decreases in privileges will usually result from a lack of productivity or a determination that the space is needed for purposes to increase the competitiveness of the University’s research portfolio.