University Alert

North Carolina Central University will operate under Condition 1 (Reduced Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy starting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and continuing through 11:59 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 1 may be extended.

RUL - 40.06.1 Centennial Scholars Rules

Student Affairs
Responsible Office:
Men's Achievement Center
Men's Achievement Center, 919-530-7814, [email protected]
April 16, 2016
Related Links:



1. Introduction

The mission of the Centennial Scholars Program (CSP) is to provide its members with relevant academic, professional and social experiences that stimulate personal ambitions and development in the following areas:  academic success;  mentorship;  identity/self-esteem;  leadership;  community involvement;  and cultural and spiritual enlightenment, and a sense of brotherhood. 

2. Scope

The Centennial Scholars Program focuses on student services and outcomes. The program provides tutoring, counseling, and student service programs designed to improve academic success.

3. Program Requirements 

3.1 In order to be eligible for the CSP candidates must:

3.1.1 Be an African American male.

3.1.2 Be able to articulate the desire to participate in the program through an application process which includes a personal statement.

3.1.3 High school GPA must be at least a 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale.

3.1.4 Be a newly admitted freshman.

4. Student Rights and Responsibilities

Upon enrolling in the program, each student assumes an obligation to conduct himself in a manner compatible with the college's function as an educational institution and to obey the laws enacted by federal, state and local governments. If this obligation is neglected or ignored by the student, the college program must and will, in the interest of fulfilling its function, institute appropriate disciplinary action.

5. Student Commitment

5.1 Meet all of the university admission standards.

5.2 Must live on campus

5.3 Participate in the Leadership Development workshops

5.4 Partake in one-on-one meeting with assigned counselor

5.5 Must remain an active participant with the program 

5.6 Attend an orientation and a meet and greet receptions 

5.7 Follow all rules and regulation provided by the North Carolina Central University student code of conduct handbook

6. Students will be required to attend/complete the following activities:

6.1 Partake in mandatory tutoring and study sessions

6.2 Attend leadership conferences

6.3 Social activities such as workshops, speakers’ bureau, cultural excursions, etc.

6.4 University academic engagement events

6.5 Service learning activities

7. Academic Probation/Restricted Probation/Removal

7.1 GPA as well as retention is our focus. Students will be removed from the program if they are showing a documented lack of effort.

7.2 Once placed on probationary status, a student must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 in the next academic term in which he is enrolled. Students will be informed of processes designed to assist them in improving their academic performance

8. Academic Standards

8.1 All assessments of students’ progress will be conducted and reviewed at the end of the current semester. 8.1.2  All students, after completing a semester coursework, are expected to meet certain standards of academic progress. These standards are:

8.1.1 Cumulative GPA 2.7 & above – Good Standing (Can fully participate in all activities, eligible for trips and incentives.)

8.1.2 Cumulative GPA below 2.7 – Tier 1 Probation (Mandated tutoring, writing & reading center hours required, QEP, specific work plan must be followed, not eligible for incentives or trips.)

8.1.3 Cumulative GPA 2.7 & above, but semester GPA below 2.7 – Tier 2 Probation (Upcoming semester must be 2.7 or above.)

9. Violation(s) – All violations will be documented and signed for CSP records.

9.1 Student will be issued a warning citation.

9.2 The program coordinator/advisor will also meet with the student to discuss violation.

9.3 Students will be notified in writing (letter, email, etc.) that they have been placed on probation which takes effect the following academic term. The letters to the students will identify specific details of the terms of suspension, in addition it will also provide individual(s), or office(s) to which all inquiries are to be directed.

9.4 A final warning will be given to student, and a failure to display behavioral improvement thereafter will result in removal from CSP program.