University Alert

North Carolina Central University will operate under Condition 1 (Reduced Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy starting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and continuing through 11:59 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 1 may be extended.

RUL - 30.01.20 Solicitation Rule

Administration and Finance
Responsible Office:
Campus Enterprises
Campus Enterprises Office, 919-530-7418
Effective Date: July 1, 2002; Updated: April 19, 2016


1. Purpose

The purpose of this rule is to provide the applicable guidelines and procedures for any form of solicitation or vending at North Carolina Central University.

2. Scope

This rule applies to all individuals who wish to engage in solicitation activities on the campus of NCCU.

3. Definitions

3.1  “University organizations” are defined for purpose of university vending, as colleges, schools, divisions, departments, institutes, or centers of the University and the Student Government Association;

3.2 “Student Organizations” are defined, for purpose of University vending as registered student organizations; honor societies officially recognized or registered by or affiliated with the University or otherwise failing to meet the definition in paragraph 1 above, are related to the University because they promote the interests of the University or perform other service to the University, such as nationally or regionally organized academic professional associations or professional fraternal societies supported by an academic unit, charitable community organizations, other public educational institutions, and governmental entities.

3.3 “Non-university organizations” are defined for purposes of use of University vending as persons or organizations that do not meet the definitions in sections 3.1 or 3.2, immediately above.  “Non-university organizations” include unregistered student groups; candidates for election to public office; organizations supporting such candidates; organizations that exist primarily for the purpose of carrying on commercial activity for profit; and those persons who activities are primarily for private gain or benefit.

4. Student Organizations

4.1 Student organizations may set up informational tables on campus for the purpose of selling approved items or disseminating information.  Items being sold must be approved by Campus Enterprises Services to ensure that the University is not in breach of contractual obligations.

4.1.1 Vending in specific locations on campus may require additional approvals.

5. Non-University Organizations

5.1 Non-University organizations or businesses (Those with no affiliation with an on campus group or organization) are welcome to come to NCCU campus with the purpose of setting up an informational table. 

5.1.1 These vendors will be required to pay a vending fee.  The fee may vary based on the event and the type of vending. 

5.1.2  Anyone vending without a permit will be asked to leave campus by University Police and may be banned from campus.

6.  Exceptions

6.1  No organization, whether University organization, Student organization or an non- University organization is permitted to sell any type of food or to sell any item with the NCCU logo or name due to contractual obligations between the University and its merchants. 

6.2  Nothing in this regulation shall prohibit the University from barring solicitation in campus areas that are not designated public forums.  Areas not traditionally open to the public for speech, such as office space, residence halls, and classrooms, may be limited to University uses.

6.3  The University may suspend certain regulations in order to comply with the University’s mission during official University events.