North Carolina Central University will transition to Condition 2 (Suspended Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy effective through 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 2 may be extended.
RUL - 30.01.19 W.G. Pearson Facility Rental Rule
1. Purpose
The purpose of this rule is to provide guidelines for the rental of space within W.G. Pearson Dining Hall.
2. Scope
This rule applies both to University and non-University groups and individuals.
3. Definitions
3.1 “University organizations” are defined for purpose of university vending, as colleges, schools, divisions, departments, institutes, or centers of the University and the Student Government Association
3.2 “Student Organizations” are defined, for purpose of University vending as registered student organizations; honor societies officially recognized or registered by or affiliated with the University or otherwise failing to meet the definition in paragraph 1 above, are related to the University because they promote the interests of the University or perform other service to the University, such as nationally or regionally organized academic professional associations or professional fraternal societies supported by an academic unit, charitable community organizations, other public educational institutions, and governmental entities.
3.3 “Non-university organizations” are defined for purposes of use of University vending as persons or organizations that do not meet the definitions in sections 3.1 or 3.2, immediately above. “Non-university organizations” include unregistered student groups; candidates for election to public office; organizations supporting such candidates; organizations that exist primarily for the purpose of carrying on commercial activity for profit; and those persons who activities are primarily for private gain or benefit.
4. W.G. Pearson Dining Hall Regulations
4.1 W.G. Pearson Dining Hall operates its facilities in compliance with the laws of the State of North Carolina and local laws and University regulations. Failure to comply or enforce such laws will result in loss of privilege to utilize University facilities.
4.2 All scheduled and unscheduled use of University facilities is subject to change, relocation, or cancellation in the event of an emergency.
4.3 University organizations and student organizations must enter facility requests through the online portal FACES. If assistance with FACES is needed, the requestor should contact the Special Events Office at 919-530-7893.
4.4 Non University Organizations must contact the Special Events Office in order to reserve any room in W.G. Pearson Dining Hall.
4.5 Because W.G. Pearson Dining Hall is an auxiliary building and does not receive state funding to operate, there is a cost associated with renting the facilities. The cost to rent includes the rental of tables and chairs, electricity and some Audio Visual Equipment.
4.6 Catering, A/V or technical support must be reserved by the requestor separate from the facility rental and is the sole responsibility of the requestor.
4.7 The furniture located in the rental spaces cannot be rearranged or removed. If rearrangements occur, a fee may be assessed to the requestor.
4.8 North Carolina Central University’s Dining Services has the first right of refusal to cater any event held on campus, inclusive of university-leased property, and provides catering for the following functions:
4.8.1 Activities of university-recognized student, faculty, and staff organizations
4.8.2 Any university-sponsored functions (i.e., those charged to university accounts)
4.8.3 Any approved campus activity that utilizes university facilities.
5. Release and Indemnity
5.1 Requestor shall be liable for all damages resulting from the use of the facilities and services provided by the University. Requestor shall also reimburse the University for all damages to facilities and for the loss of services provided by the University.
5.2 The University retains the right to require requestor or any of its participants to leave the University premises when the University finds it necessary or appropriate to do so, and assumes no responsibility to the loss or theft of personal property of requestor or any of its participants.
5.3 Requestor shall indemnify and hold harmless the University, its officers and employees against any and all claims for the loss, injury, or damages to persons or property, including claims of employees of requestors or their agents rising out of activities conducted by the University at the request of the requestor. The University assumes no liability whatsoever for any property placed by purchaser in University buildings or in University properties.
6. Rooms Available to Rent
6.1 Banquet Hall: Located on the first floor of W.G. Pearson Dining Hall, the Banquet hall has the seated capacity of 150 (Standing 242).
6.2 Faculty Staff Conference Room: This meeting room is ideal for smaller groups. The capacity is 15 seated and 20 standing.
6.3 Campus Enterprises reserves the right to change the cost of rental at any time.
6.4 Non University Organizations must submit payment prior to the event. University Organizations or Student Groups will be billed. The correct fund and account numbers must be provided to Campus Enterprises.