North Carolina Central University will operate under Condition 1 (Reduced Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy starting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and continuing through 11:59 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 1 may be extended.
POL - 30.03.1 Parking and Traffic Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to outline parking and traffic enforcement to ensure the safety, well-being and emergency management of the entire campus community. North Carolina Central University (NCCU), as a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina and an agency of the State of North Carolina, manages and enforces parking through the NCCU Police Department by enforcement of laws, ordinances as well as management of regulations set by the Board of Trustees. The NCCU Police Department is responsible for providing parking services and traffic control for all faculty, staff, students and visitors to the campus.
2. Scope
Parking and operating a vehicle on campus is a privilege extended by the University subject to ordinances by North Carolina General Statutes and/or adopted by the NCCU Board of Trustees. This privilege may be revoked if a person seriously or habitually violates the regulations.
3. Definitions
The definitions of all terms used in these Ordinances shall be those provided in NCGS 20-4.01 and other applicable sections of the North Carolina General Statutes insofar as they are provided.
An “academic year” means the academic year begins in August at the opening of the fall semester and concludes in August at the end of the Summer II semester. Regular day classes are scheduled Monday through Friday.
An “administrative sanction” means penalties which may be assessed for repeated violations of these ordinances or for failure to pay validly due fines. Administrative sanctions include, but are not limited to, revocation of parking decals. Administrative penalties include the issuance of a campus appearance ticket to students.
A “bicycle” means a device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, and supported by either two tandems or three wheels, one of which is 16 inches or more in diameter. For the purpose of this Ordinance, a bicycle will be deemed a vehicle.
A “campus” means all property owned by or leased to North Carolina Central University including property owned by the NCCU Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund of North Carolina Central University and NCCU Real Estate Foundation, Inc.
The “chancellor” means the Chancellor of North Carolina Central University at Durham, NC.
The “chief of police” means the Chief of the NCCU Police Department, which is the person designated by the Chancellor will be responsible for administering, implementing, and enforcing the provisions of these Ordinances, except where another person or party is specified in the Ordinance.
A “chronic offender” means an individual who exhibits an observable pattern of reoccurring parking violations without demonstrating a recognizable intent to self-correct the violating behavior.
A “crosswalk” means that portion of a roadway ordinarily included within the prolongations of connection of the lateral lines of sidewalks at intersections, or any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface.
A “decal” means an authorization for a vehicle to be parked in specific areas according to the decal designation.
An “employee” means any North Carolina Central University staff member regardless of whether the employment is full- or part-time, or any employee of any contractor or vendor who is contracted, licensed, or otherwise authorized to conduct business with the University. This definition shall not include student workers or employees, graduate assistants, or teaching assistants.
The “faculty” means any faculty employed (full-time, part-time or temporary) in a research or teaching position.
A “fire lane” means any area specifically marked, striped, signed or designated where vehicles are prohibited from parking, and/or any area in which direct and immediate access to a fire hydrant or firefighting apparatus would be blocked by a parked vehicle.
A “handicapped space” means a parking space, including the access aisle designated for legally handicapped. Such vehicles must display either a handicapped license tag or nationally recognized handicapped decal or placard.
“Handicap access” means those areas providing individuals with mobility disabilities access to sidewalks, doorways, and buildings.
An “intersection” means a road junction where two or more roads either meet or cross at grade.
A “loading zone” means any area designated by signs and proclaimed for use for loading and unloading materials and supplies.
A “low speed vehicle” means a four-wheel vehicle whose top speed is less than 20 miles per hour. This includes, but is not limited to, golf carts, golf cart-type utility vehicles and gator-type utility vehicles.
A “motorcycle, bike or scooter” means any motorized two or three wheeled vehicle capable of carrying a rider requiring North Carolina motor vehicle registration and licensing.
The “NCCU Police Department” means the department responsible for, but not limited to enforcement of rules and regulations for parking and traffic, registration of vehicles, distribution of decals, and issuance of parking penalties.
The “NCGS” means the North Carolina General Statutes.
A “no parking area” means any area marked as a no parking area or not clearly designated by pavement markings as a parking space shall be considered a no parking area.
The “operator” means a person in actual physical control of a vehicle, which is in motion, stopped, or standing.
“Parking” means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, other than while actually engaged in the loading or unloading of passengers.
A “parking area” means any place or area specifically set aside, marked or assigned by the NCCU Police Department for the parking of vehicles, either permanently or temporarily.
“Parking services” means the office designated by the NCCU Police Department, which issues parking decals, keeps registration and decal records, records violations and fines.
A “pay lot” means any parking lot or area where payment for parking is required based on the length of time the vehicle is parked. Pay lots may be operated by automated pay machine or by attendants who collect the parking fees. The pay station will accept credit card or cash payments. A lost ticket will be a flat rate of $24.00.
The “pedestrian safety zone” means areas where cyclists, skateboarders, and non-motorized scooter drivers must either ride at the walking pace of the nearby pedestrians or dismount their vehicle. Pedestrians have the right-of-way in a pedestrian safety zone. All sidewalks, pathways, plazas, or walkways are pedestrian safety zones.
A “personal assistive mobility device” means a self-balancing device, designed to transport one person, with a propulsion system that limits the maximum speed of the device to 15 miles per hour or less. This includes, but is not limited to, electric wheelchairs and segways.
A “registered vehicle” means a vehicle that has been registered with NCCU Police Department and is authorized to display a valid University parking decal.
A “reserved lot” means a designated lot or part of a lot reserved for users who have purchased decals specifically for that lot.
A “reserved space” means any parking space that is marked for a specific University parking decal, permit type, user or use.
“Roller skates” mean a manufactured or assembled device consisting of a frame or shoe having clamps, or straps, or both for fastening, with a pair of small wheels near the toe and another pair at the heel mounted or permanently attached thereto for skating or gliding by means of human foot or leg power.
A “service provider” means one who is providing repair and/or maintenance of equipment or facility. Exceptions to this definition are by NCCU Police Department approval only.
A “service vehicle” means any vehicle owned or leased by the University or other governmental entity or private vendor conducting business with the University.
A “sidewalk” means all property along or by any street, highway, or roadway which is intended for pedestrian use and which lies between the curb line and lateral line of any street, highway, or roadway and the line at which the use of property for purposes other than pedestrian traffic ends.
A “skateboard” means a short narrow platform having a set of two or more wheels or casters mounted under it that is propelled by human foot and leg power.
A “speed limit” means 15 miles per hour on campus roadways unless otherwise designated. It means 10 miles per hour in parking lots.
A “staff member” means administrative officers, clerical force and maintenance employees of the University employed full or part-time
A “stop” means, when required, complete cessation of movement. When prohibited, means any stopping of a vehicle except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a law enforcement officer or traffic control sign or signal.
A “street, highway or roadway” means the entire width of every way or place of whatever nature designated or marked by proper authorities for vehicular traffic.
A “student” means any person registered with the University as a full-time, part-time, graduate, or other special student.
A “summer session” means sessions held on the campus of North Carolina Central University during the summer months, including credit, non-credit, seminars and workshops.
A “temporary employee” means any non-student part-time or full-time temporary (nonpermanent) employee of the University. This does not include Graduate Research Assistants and Teaching Assistants.
A “travel lane” means that portion of the road, street, or way between the centerline and curb on which vehicles or bicycles are permitted to operate, but where parking is prohibited.
“Trick riding” means riding of skateboards, roller-skates, in-line skates or bicycles such that the wheels are removed from contact with a surface in a repetitive procedure.
The “university” means, unless otherwise provided, North Carolina Central University at Durham, NC.
“University holidays” mean those days designated by the Chancellor as Official University Holidays.
An “unregistered vehicle” means any vehicle on campus not registered with the NCCU Police Department.
“Unsettled fines, fees and charges” mean any fines, fees, and charges (monetary or otherwise) levied by NCCU Police Department which have not been resolved by payment of outstanding debts, return of a parking decal or gate card turned in at the Eagle Card Office as specified by NCCU Police Department.
A “vehicle” means every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon fixed rails or tracks.
A “visitor” means any person on the campus of North Carolina Central University who is neither a student, faculty or staff member and is not otherwise defined in these Ordinances.
A “walk or walkway” means a path designed for or marked for exclusive use by pedestrians whether along a street, roadway or other areas.
4. Authority/Delegation of Authority
4.1 By approval of North Carolina Central University’s Board of Trustees, under authority of NCGS 116-44.4, the provisions of North Carolina Central University Parking and Traffic Ordinances shall apply to the operators of all vehicles, whether public or private, and these rules and regulations shall be in force twenty-four (24) hours a day, except as herein provided. It shall be unlawful for any operator to violate any of the provisions of these rules and regulations, except as otherwise permitted in the regulations or by the North Carolina General Statutes.
4.2 The Chancellor will determine and control the categories of motorists required to register vehicles pursuant to authority conferred by NCGS 116-44.3.
4.3 The Chancellor is authorized to adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations and to establish such administrative procedures as he/she may deem necessary or advisable for the administration, interpretation, and enforcement of these Ordinances.
4.4 The Chancellor shall exercise his discretion and authority in such a manner as to ensure the proper conduct of the necessary business of the University, as well as the effective utilization and control of the available parking areas and facilities on the campus of the University for the benefit and maximum convenience of faculty, staff, students and visitors.
4.5 The Chancellor has delegated to the Chief of NCCU Police Department, hereinafter referred to as Chief, or his/her appointed delegate, the responsibility for oversight of the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of these Ordinances.
4.6 The NCCU Police Department, under the supervision of the Chief, or his/her appointed delegate and to the extent permitted by law, are authorized to enforce these Ordinances and all applicable state, county and
5. Registration of Vehicles and Parking
5.1 General Terms and Conditions
5.1.1 The Chief of the NCCU Police Department shall establish procedures for registration of vehicles as an integral part of the University registration process.
5.1.2 Parking on campus is by permit only.
5.1.3 Registration forms are available on the NCCU Police Department’s website. The operator of any vehicle shall obey the lawful instructions of any officer and of any official traffic sign or control device applicable thereto placed in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, unless otherwise directed by an officer. These ordinances are in force whether or not specific traffic signs are used. The responsibility of finding a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Lack of space is not considered an excuse for violation of any parking regulation. The Chief of the NCCU Police Department shall be responsible for causing the signs, signals, and marking necessary to implement these ordinances to be erected, established, and maintained.
6. Decals
6.1 Faculty, Staff and Students Parking
6.1.1 All eligible individuals may request decals through the NCCU Police Department at any time during the year and must provide the NCCU Police Department with the NCCU Parking Decal Application.
6.1.2 Visitors to campus may obtain a daily visitor parking decal or a temporary parking decal from the NCCU Police Department.
6.1.3 Gate cards and electronic remote gate openers remain the property of the NCCU Police Department.
6.1.4 Parking decals, replacement permits, temporary permits, transponders, gate cards or electronic remote gate openers remain the property of the NCCU Police Department and may not be given, sold, or traded to another person or placed on a vehicle other than the one(s) for which the decal is registered.
6.1.5 A violation of this section may result in a fine, and/or loss of parking privileges for up to one (1) year.
6.1.6 A parking decal is required to secure parking privileges. The decal does not guarantee a parking space (except reserved spaces) in a specific space or area. Rather, it authorizes the decal holder to seek a parking space in an area designated by these Ordinances. North Carolina Central University is able to provide ample parking on campus for all registered vehicles, although spaces will not always be available at desired locations.
6.1.7 All faculty, staff and students that park on campus, including handicapped parking, are required by NCCU Police Department, to pay a registration fee and permanently display a valid NCCU decal on their vehicle.
6.1.8 Decals must be displayed in the intended manner for the type of decal issued. Decal hangtags should be placed on the rearview mirror facing outward while parked on campus property at all times. If no rearview mirror exists, the decal must be displayed face up on the dash in the right hand (passenger) side of the front windshield.
6.1.9 A violation of this section may result in a fine.
6.1.10 A NCCU parking decal authorizes the vehicle to be parked in specific areas and is valid only in parking areas for which it is issued and in accordance to the decal designation. Most of the reserved lots have a waiting list. The NCCU Police Department will contact patrons on the waiting list, as a space becomes available.
6.1.11 Individuals may request parking decals for reserved parking spaces in lots closest to their primary work location, or in commuter lots. Employee requests will be assigned based on availability.
6.1.12 When faculty or staff separate from the University, who have their decal paid through payroll deduction and the parking decal has not expired, the decal must be returned to the NCCU Police Department upon termination of employment. Individuals are responsible for monthly payment until the parking decal has been returned. Paid by cash, check or credit the decal must be returned and a refund will be given at a prorated amount.
6.1.13 Gate cards and electronic gate openers must be returned if an individual separates from the University, or the individual will be responsible for fines and/or replacement costs.
6.1.14 Employees on an unpaid leave of absence or faculty who take off-campus scholarly assignment may elect to maintain and keep their decal if it is paid in full through its expiration date. Employees who are having their decal fee deducted through monthly payroll must return their decal prior to the leave, or they will be responsible for a monthly decal fee. The employee will be entitled to a reserved space upon return to the University's employment and reinstate their payroll deduction for parking fees.
6.1.15 Faculty and staff must register their vehicles for reserved parking spaces within fifteen (15) days after the expiration date of current decal, or their spaces will be sold.
6.2 Special Faculty Parking
6.2.1 Salaried Visiting, Clinical, and Research Faculty are considered employees of the University. Employee parking policies and decal eligibility apply to these individuals.
6.3 Temporary Employees Parking
6.3.1 Individuals employed in a nonpermanent position or capacity, or through University Temporary Service (UTS) may request a parking decal. Verification of employment, including duration of employment is required. Payment for the decal will be made by cash, check or credit card. Payment must be for the full amount due on the parking decal. No partial payments are accepted. Payroll deduction is not permitted. Decals may be purchased on a monthly basis at a rate equal to one-twelfth the annual cost of the decal. Shorter-term employment will allow for the purchase of decals at a daily or weekly rate. Assignment of a parking decal and parking location will be decided by NCCU Police Department based upon space availability. These individuals are not eligible to be placed on a decal wait list.
6.4 Adjunct Faculty Parking
6.4.1 Adjunct faculty members are expected to purchase a decal if they desire parking on campus.
6.5 Visitor Parking
6.5.1 Visitors are individuals not enrolled or employed by the University and must display a parking decal while using campus parking spaces. The permit temporarily registers the vehicle and allows parking in various areas on the campus. Visitors are expected to comply with university parking and traffic ordinances and will be held responsible for citations issued for incorrect or improper parking.
6.5.2 Visitors must obtain a daily visitor parking decal from the NCCU Police Department. If a parking decal is needed longer, visitor must inform NCCU Police Department at the time when issued.
6.5.3 Faculty, staff and students are not eligible to use visitor decals.
6.6 Conference, Workshop and Seminar Parking
6.6.1 Parking for a guest attending a program, conference or special event, is available and managed by the Traffic Manager. An assessment will be done by the Traffic Manager for the parking location and fees.
6.6.2 Department paying for their guest must submit a written request by e-mail, and an invoice must be signed. Request must be submitted ten (10) business days prior to the scheduled event or it will not be processed. Once the fee has been paid the NCCU Police Department will issue the decals to the Department. The individual department can mail the decals and park in the assigned designated area.
6.7 Service Providers and Sales Personnel Parking
6.7.1 Companies delivering supplies and/or materials or public service companies performing repairs or surveys on campus are not required to purchase a parking decal if they have a visible company logo displayed on the vehicle, and if the vehicle is parked in an unreserved parking space or designated Loading/Unloading space. Vehicles may not pull up on curbs, sidewalks, landscape areas, other no parking areas, or block traffic while performing their duties.
6.8 Special Event Parking
6.8.1 The NCCU Police Department may suspend enforcement of parking regulations to allow for special events on campus. Exceptions to regulations, temporary regulations and enforcement suspensions are valid only for when and how specified, and will not be considered precedent for future situations.
6.9 Handicapped Parking for Faculty, Staff or Students
6.9.1 Faculty, staff or students using a “distinguishing license plate” or a “distinguishing removable hangtag” issued by their state Division of Motor Vehicles that displays the International Symbol of Access also require and must be affixed and displayed a parking decal issued by the NCCU Police Department.
6.9.2 Parking decals for faculty, staff or students issued by the NCCU Police Department require you to pay a registration fee, submit a copy of the handicap decal and permanently display a valid decal on the vehicle registered.
6.9.3 It shall be unlawful: To park or leave standing in a space designated with a sign for handicapped parking, any vehicle not displaying a distinguishing license plate, removable hangtag, or temporary removable hangtag; For any person not qualifying for the rights and privileges extended to handicapped persons to exercise or attempt to exercise such rights or privileges by the unauthorized use of a distinguishing license plate, removable hangtag, or temporary removable hangtag; To park or leave standing any vehicle so as to obstruct a curb or curb cut for handicapped persons.
6.9.4 Vehicles found in violation of the above regulations will be cited and towed at the owner’s expense.
6.10 Permanent Part-time and Full-time Employees-Payroll Deduction
6.10.1 Employees receiving paychecks monthly or biweekly for twelve (12) months a year are eligible to have their monthly parking decal fee deducted through payroll deduction.
6.11 Temporary Replacement Decals
6.11.1 Authorized decal holders may receive a temporary replacement decal if a vehicle they are driving to campus does not have the decal displayed.
6.11.2 Decal holders are not entitled to obtain a temporary decal if the vehicle, which is displaying the original decal, is parked on campus.
6.11.3 The NCCU Police Department reserves the right to limit the number of temporary replacement decals issued to an individual.
6.11.4 If the permit is destroyed in any way by a dealership, accident, trade, etc. a statement on the dealership’s stationary letterhead, verifying destruction of the decal is required in order to receive a replacement.
6.12 Transferable Decals
6.12.1 Faculty, staff or students who are owners of two (2) or more vehicles may register all of their vehicles under the same decal by paying the parking fee. Only one automobile may be brought on campus at a time. The decal is to be displayed in accordance with the instruction for displaying the decal. All vehicles for which the decal is to be used must be registered.
6.12.2 Possession of lost, stolen, altered, or illegally purchased decal will result in the loss of parking privileges, and a fine. A police report must be filed prior to reapplying for a replacement permit and any person found filing a false police report will be fined and possible criminal prosecution. The faculty, staff or student must complete a new vehicle registration form. The form should have notification showing exchanged or replaced from one decal number to the current one.
6.13 Forging, Counterfeiting, Altering of Decals or Presenting False Information
6.13.1 It is a violation to forge, counterfeit or alter a parking decal in any manner, way, shape or form.
6.13.2 A violation of this section may result in a fine, loss of parking privileges for up to one year and/or restitution of the decal cost from beginning of the academic year up through recovery date of the counterfeit decal.
6.13.3 It is unlawful for any person to produce any facsimile or reproduction of a permit, sticker, decal or other device indicating eligibility to park on campus. It is unlawful to steal or obtain a permit by fraud, deceit or trickery, willful misrepresentation of facts, purchase from another or gift from another. It is unlawful for any person in lawful possession of a parking permit to alter, give, sell, transfer or attempt to transfer a permit to another person or to place on a vehicle other than that for which it is registered.
6.13.4 A violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor. Vehicles are subject to ticketing or towing.
6.13.5 It is a violation to present, attempt to present or conspire to present information that an individual would have reason to believe is false, to any employee or agent of NCCU Police Department for the purpose of obtaining a permanent or temporary parking decal, maintaining a parking decal, processing a petition/appeal or the purpose of deceiving any employee or agent.
6.13.6 A violation of this section may result in a fine and/or loss of parking privileges for up to one year.
6.13.7 Repeat offenders are subject to escalating punitive enforcement measures that include, but are not limited to, booting of the vehicle on each subsequent violation, towing of vehicle on each subsequent violation, revocation of parking privileges and/or (as applicable) referral the Office on Student Conduct.
7. Parking Decal Fees
7.1 The parking decal fee for vehicles will be paid at the beginning of the period for which the decal is issued or when any person first becomes associated with the university and desires a decal. All fees are subject to change.
7.2 If a decal has been lost or stolen, the person to whom the decal was registered may receive a replacement decal for a processing fee. A lost or stolen decal report must be filed with NCCU Police Department prior to replacement
7.3 If a gate card is lost or stolen, a replacement will be issued for a fee. Damaged gate cards must be replaced and there is no charge to replace a defective card unless it is evident the card has been intentionally damaged.
7.4 If a lost/stolen decal and/or gate card is found, it must be returned to NCCU Police Department and the processing fee will be refunded.
8. Parking Regulations
8.1 Reserved Parking Spaces
8.1.1 Parking enforcement is twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven days a week, including University holidays. At all times, the appropriate decal for the reserved space/area/lot must be displayed on the vehicle.
8.1.2 If you are parked in a reserved parking space without a valid decal you are subject to being ticketed and towed.
8.2 Non-Reserved Parking Spaces/Areas
8.2.1 Parking enforcement is twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven days a week, including University holidays
8.2.2 Failure to comply your vehicle will be ticketed and subject to towing.
8.2.3 The Cashier’s Office at North Carolina Central University located in the Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building is hereby directed to collect a vehicle parking fee as established by the University from each motorist who registers a vehicle for campus parking. Students attending the spring semester or employees employed after January 1 will be charged a pro rata fee for their parking decal. No refunds will be issued.
8.3 Student Parking (Table)
Criminal Justice |
Commuter |
George Street Apartment |
Residential |
Latham Parking Lot |
Commuter |
Lincoln Street |
Commuter |
Martha Street |
Residential |
Michaux-School of Education (front lot) |
Commuter |
Nelson Street |
Residential and Commuter |
O’Kelly-Riddick |
Commuter |
Ruffin Hall |
Residential |
Townes Science (lower lever) |
Residential and Commuter |
8.3.1 Students may park in the assigned designated lots only. Semester decals will be available for seniors graduating in December only.
8.3.2 The spaces in the above lots or future lots are available on a first come, first served basis.
8.4 Gated/Pay Lots/ Deck
8.4.1 Any vehicle may park in the lots designated as pay lots, except spaces designated as reserved or handicap. Pay lots may be controlled by attendants, or automated collection devices or and will be monitored by Parking Enforcement.
8.4.2 No person will deposit or attempt to deposit a slug, button, foreign currency, or any other device or substance as a substitute for coins of United States currency.
8.4.3 It is unlawful for any person to deface, damage, tamper with, willfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of, or to open without lawful authority an entry or exit gate.
8.4.4 The spaces outside Latham Parking Deck are considered a commuter lot.
8.4.5 Parking Lots Reserve (Table)
Dr. James E. Shepard Administration |
Alexander Dunn |
Alumni House |
Ben Ruffin |
Café Dr. |
Communication |
Criminal Justice Rear |
Criminal Justice Nelson Street |
Eagle Campus Drive |
Facilities Services |
615 Lawson Street |
George Street |
Law School |
McDougald Gym |
McLean Hall |
Miller Morgan |
O’Kelly Lot |
School of Education |
Student Union |
Student Services |
Undergraduate Admission |
Walker Complex | Student Residential (Table)
Ruffin Residence Hall |
George Street Apartments |
Martha Street Apartments |
ary Townes Science Building (Lower) |
Nelson Street |
Mary Townes Science Building (Upper) | Students Commuter (Table)
School of Education (Front) |
Criminal Justice Lot |
Mary Towns Science Building (Lower) |
Latham Lot (spaces outside deck) |
Lincoln Street (on campus only) | Students Residential (Table)
Ruffin Residence Hall |
George Street Apartments |
Martha Street Apartments |
Mary Towns Science Building (Lower) |
Nelson Street |
8.4.6 A violation of this section will result in a fine and the cost of repairs incurred.
8.4.7 All vehicles parked in the Latham Parking Deck pay lot must make proper payment using the automatic pay lot device at the time of exiting the lot.
8.4.8 There is a fee to park in the short term pay lot for the first hour or any part thereof. Each fifteen (15) minute increment after that will be an additional fee. Lost tickets will be a flat rate of $24.00. The pay station in the deck accepts debit cards, credit cards or cash.
8.4.9 Vehicles exiting unattended pay lots after hours and after pay attendant operations have closed and when the gates are lowered must pay for all parking fees incurred by utilizing the automated pay stations to process their payment for parking fees. Parking after hours must use the short term parking and pay a fee starting at a$1.00 per hour.
8.4.10 Failure to pay upon exiting a pay lot or having a parking validated will be sent a billing notice for a full day’s parking.
9. Shuttle Service
9.1 Shuttle Service is available for faculty, staff, student and visitor that park at the Latham Parking Deck. Free shuttle services are offered by NCCU through Student Services. To park in this location you must have purchased a NCCU Parking decal. All rules and regulations apply.
10. No Parking Areas
10.1 It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle on the campus in any area or lot except in spaces marked or designated for parking. This includes drive lanes and driveways, intersections, landscape areas, and blocking of any pedestrian route or accessible aisle or route. Further, no parking areas include the following:
10.1.1 Fire Hydrants: Parking in a manner that blocks access to any fire hydrant, regardless of the presence of special "fire lane" designation, is a violation of this section.
10.1.2 Barrier Posts: Parking in front of or beyond removable barrier posts is a violation of this Ordinance.
10.1.3 Street Access: Certain streets, lanes or curbs may be designated by Transportation as fire lanes for other life safety reasons, such as high rise building access, fire truck turning radius, ambulance access, etc.
10.1.4 Access areas to Accessibility Parking: Parking in a manner that blocks a curb cut, path, and/or access point to an accessibility parking space. Parking illegally in an accessible parking space or blocking access to such a space is subject to 24-hour enforcement. This includes a fine and towing.
11. Parking Restrictions
11.1 A vehicle must always be parked in the manner and direction indicated by the parking markings and within the confines of the parking space. A vehicle may not encroach its wheels into another space.
11.2 No vehicle parked on campus may:
11.2.1 Be displayed for sale;
11.2.2 Have maintenance performed on it, including washing, greasing, or repairing the vehicle except in the case of repairs necessitated by an emergency, and only then if the vehicle is in a marked space and has been reported to the NCCU Police Department;
11.2.3 Be exempted from ticketing because a note has been left on the vehicle windshield or flashing lights have been left on;
11.2.4 Be stored in a manner which is not incident to the bona fide use and operation of the vehicle;
11.2.5 Have a trailer attached to it when parked. Trailers may not be parked on campus without permission by the NCCU Police Department;
11.2.6 No person will park a vehicle in any space labeled "24 HOUR TOWING" unless the proper decal for that space is displayed on said vehicle, and/or;
11.2.7 No person will park a vehicle in any space designated for accessibility parking unless the proper decal for that space is displayed on the vehicle.
11.3 A violation of this section will result in a fine and subject to towing.
12. Abandoned Vehicles
12.1 The NCCU Police Department is hereby authorized to remove any vehicle that has been parked illegally for more than ten (10) days, or which is determined to be "derelict" under NCGS 20- 137.7, and dispose of such vehicles as prescribed by NCGS 20-137.6 to 20-137.14.
13. Blocking Vehicles/Disabled Vehicles
13.1 It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle in such a manner to prevent another vehicle from movement.
13.2 Inoperable/disabled vehicles must be reported to NCCU Police Department.
13.3 Inoperable/disabled vehicles left standing in driveways, driving lanes, tow lanes, blocking vehicles or other no parking areas are subject to being towed and fined.
14. Enforcement
14.1 The faculty, staff or student to whom a vehicle parking decal is issued as herein provided shall be responsible for parking violations of the vehicle for which the parking decal is issued. Upon termination of employment, faculty and staff must surrender their parking decal or gate card under guidelines provided by the Chief or appointed delegate. Any citation received by a vehicle not registered with the NCCU Police Department will be billed to the owner of the vehicle or to a son, daughter, spouse, or ward of the registered owner, if such person is employed with or enrolled in the University. This information is obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles.
14.2 Parking citations are issued to vehicles in violation of any regulation. A campus parking citation will be left on the windshield of the vehicle and will indicate the type of violation and the amount of the fine.
14.3 Student university records are flagged for outstanding parking citations. Fines owed at the end of a semester may be included on the student’s next tuition statement.
14.4 The motorist to whom a vehicle parking decal is issued, as herein provided, shall be responsible for all parking and traffic violations of the vehicle for which the decal is used.
14.4.1 Vehicles may be immobilized for any of the following reasons: Checks returned to North Carolina Central University for any traffic related payments. Display of a lost, stolen or revoked permit. Non-payment of accrued fines, to include three or more unpaid citations. Unsatisfactory payment for a permit.
14.5 There is a fee for the removal in addition to payment of all accrued fines and late fees.
15. Penalties
15.1 The NCCU Police Department is hereby authorized to collect a fine for a violation of this Ordinance.
16. Vehicle Immobilization
16.1 Any vehicle parked in violation of this Ordinance or any parking regulation issued hereunder may be immobilized by use of a wheel boot.
16.2 Wheel boots may be removed only by the NCCU Police Department, upon payment of the boot removal fee and all outstanding fines. The owner or custodian of a vehicle impounded under any regulation of this Ordinance may petition the immobilization. Submitting a petition is not a substitute for payment of the boot removal fee.
16.3 Vehicles immobilized for longer than 48 hours will be towed from the University to a designated storage facility. The owner or custodian of the vehicle will be responsible for both the boot removal and towing fees, applicable storage fees, and accumulated fines. A vehicle will not be released until restitution arrangements are complete.
16.4 Vehicles are released from towing and immobilization during normal office hours, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
17. Suspension of Parking Privileges
17.1 The NCCU Police Department can, in addition to any other penalty, suspend the parking privileges of any individual found to be in violation of the following:
17.1.1 Unauthorized use of a permit.
17.1.2 Counterfeiting or altering of permits.
17.1.3 Presenting false information.
17.1.4 Repeat offenders.
17.1.5 Failure to settle outstanding fines and fees.
17.1.6 Destruction or damage to University property.
17.2 Parking privileges may be revoked for receiving two or more citation for parking violations and/or any fraudulent registration activity.
18. Payment of Fines, Fees and Charges
18.1 All payments must be made at the Cashier’s Office in Room 012, in the basement in the Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Only cash, debit, or credit cards will be accepted.
19. Failure to Settle Fines, Fees and Charges
19.1 Failure to settle outstanding transportation fines, fees, and/or charges within the required time frame can result in the University's arranging for the collection of fees assessed against faculty, staff, students, and visitors in the following manner:
19.1.1 Penalties owed by students will be forwarded to the Cashier’s for collection in the same manner that other debts owed to the University by students are collected and may necessitate that a HOLD status be placed with University Registrar.
19.1.2 Individuals whose fines are not collected by the Cashier’s Office will be forwarded to a collection agency to collect debts from individuals whose debts may not be collected by other means or may be subject to garnishment of their North Carolina State Income Tax Refund.
19.2 Payments are expected for the following:
19.2.1 Decals
19.2.2 Parking violations
19.2.3 Replacement of returned check
19.2.4 Returned check charges
19.2.5 Gate cards and remote-controlled gate openers
19.2.6 Repairs to damaged property
19.2.7 Boot removal fees and towing
19.2.8 Imposed fines
20. Petition/Appeals
20.1 Individuals issued parking violations and other violation fines, restitution and/or suspension of parking privileges may petition the penalty within five (5) calendar days of the violation, complete the Traffic Violation Appeal Form and deliver to the NCCU Police Department.
20.2 The Citation Appeal Board members consist of faculty, staff and students. Once the appeal has been heard and a decision made, notice is sent to the appellant informing him/her of the decision by mail. If one fails to comply with the appeal guidelines, the appeal will not be honored.
20.3 The decision reached by the Citation Appeal Board is final. There are no further procedures available with the University to have the appeal reviewed. If the appeal is denied, collection procedures will be initiated and payment must be made within fourteen (14) calendar days of the notice of denial.
20.4 The Citation Appeal Board will meet monthly, as the academic schedule allows. When additional hearings are necessary to process appeals, the Hearing Officer will determine and schedule appropriate date and time.
21. Moving Violations
21.1 The NCCU Police Department has the option to issue a university citation or a uniform state citation for moving violations occurring on campus. Moving violations include:
21.1.1 Failure to stop for a stop sign
21.1.2 One-way street violations
21.1.3 Exceeding safe speed
21.1.4 Careless and reckless driving
21.1.5 Illegal left turn
21.1.6 Unsafe movement
21.2 The NCCU Police Department will issue state citations for seat belt violations.
21.3 If the conduct of any faculty, staff or student establishes a continuing pattern of violations or disregard of parking regulations, the Chancellor may temporarily suspend him or her from enrollment or employment pending a hearing.
22. Bicycles, Motorcycles, Motorcycles, Motor Bikes, Mopeds, Scooters
22.1 North Carolina motor vehicle laws consider a bicycle to be a motor vehicle insofar as the nature of the vehicle. Traffic regulations must be obeyed by bicycles violating traffic regulations. Trick riding of bicycles is prohibited
22.2 Bicycles shall not be operated on the sidewalks of North Carolina Central University. Bicycles will not be operated in excess of 15 miles per hour and operators will observe and comply with traffic regulations.
22.3 Bicycles must be parked and/or secured only to bicycle racks. Bicycles found in the following areas are subject to immediate impoundment:
22.3.1 Next to a yellow curb
22.3.2 On the sidewalk
22.3.3 In a driveway
22.3.4 Against trees or posts
22.3.5 Stairways or on handrails
22.3.6 Hallways or classrooms
22.3.7 Building entrances
22.3.8 Any manner which could impede the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic
22.3.9 Signposts
22.4 Every person operating a bicycle will do so in adherence with traffic control devices and rules of the road applicable to motor vehicles under NCGS Chapter 20.
22.5 Persons who violate are subject to fines/citations.
22.6 Cyclists are permitted, though not encouraged, to operate their vehicle in pedestrian safety zones provided that:
22.6.1 Pedestrians are given the right-of-way.
22.6.2 Vehicles are operated at speeds that do not endanger pedestrian or cyclist safety.
22.6.3 Vehicles are dismounted in areas of pedestrian congestion.
22.7 Motorcycles, Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooters must display a valid parking decal to park on campus.
22.7.1 Said vehicles with improper muffling devices are not permitted to enter the campus.
23. Skateboard, Roller-Skates, In-Line Stakes
23.1 Skateboards, roller skates and in-line skates are not allowed on campus. The use of skateboards, roller skates and in-line skates is off limit to the riders due to the inherent destruction of property that may result from such activities and is prohibited in all areas of the campus, including, but not limited to steps, handrails, flower planters, ledges, benches, brick patios, sit walls, curbs and benches.
23.2 Violations of this Ordinance by student, faculty, or staff will be enforced in accordance with current University guidelines.
23.3 Individuals who violate this Ordinance and are not affiliated with the University may be trespassed from the University. Future violations or failure to leave the campus may result in an arrest for trespassing. The skateboard, roller skates, or in-line skates may be seized for use as evidence in a criminal proceeding.
23.4 Persons who violate are subject to fines/citations.
24. Traffic Regulations
24.1 The NCCU Police Department is responsible for establishing and posting all traffic control signs and devices on campus for the purpose of regulating vehicular operations and speeds for University streets, roads, parking lots, parking structures, or anywhere vehicles may travel. These signs/devices may regulate vehicle direction, vehicle stopping or yielding, fire lanes, no parking areas, pedestrian crossings or any other regulatory needs to direct or control the flow of vehicles.
24.1.1 Speed Limits - Pursuant to the provisions of NCGS 116-44.4, 15 miles per hour is the maximum allowable speed on the campus of the University, unless otherwise posted.
24.1.2 Directional Signs - No vehicle will be driven or operated to go in a direction opposite to that indicated by signs or markings placed, posted or installed to indicate one-way streets or "Do Not Enter" areas. All one-way streets are marked by "ONE WAY" and/or "DO NOT ENTER" signs.
24.1.3 Instructional Signs - No vehicle will be driven or operated to go in any manner opposite to that indicated by the signs or markings that direct traffic in a specific manner or way.
24.1.4 Stop Signs - When stop signs are posted, placed or installed or when clearly marked stop bars are painted upon any streets or roadways intersecting any other streets or roadways, the operator of a vehicle will stop in obedience thereto and yield the right of way to vehicles operating on designated main traveled or through streets.
24.1.5 Yield Signs - When yield signs are posted, placed or installed, upon any streets or roadways, the operator of a vehicle will yield at every such sign, except when directed otherwise by a law enforcement officer or by a traffic control signal or traffic control device.
25. Pedestrians Obstructing Traffic
25.1 Except as may be required to travel safely on authorized crosswalks, pedestrians shall not stand in or otherwise obstruct or prevent the flow of traffic on any street, driveway, or parking lot upon which traffic may flow.
25.2 Violators may be subject to a civil penalty.
26. Refunds
26.1 Parking decals are sold at full price for the entire year or prorated for a portion thereof.
26.2 Students who graduate in December or transfer or withdraw prior to expiration of a parking decal may apply for a prorated refund. Faculty and staff members who terminate employment prior to expiration of a parking decal may apply for a prorated refund.
26.3 All parking decal sales include a nonrefundable administrative fee.
26.4 The Chief of the NCCU Police Department or his/her appointed delegate may grant refunds in special circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
26.5 No parking refunds will be provided for summer or evening school parking decals except that students who officially withdraw during the first two weeks of the semester or summer session will receive a refund.
26.6 The University will honor an approved request for a refund upon proof of liquidation of all debts to the University, only when withdrawing from the University.
26.7 The University will provide a refund when withdrawing and the parking decal has been turned in only upon presentation of sufficient parking decal residue to provide proof of a destroyed parking permit.
26.8 The University will issue a refund by check mailed to the parking decal purchaser.
27. Report of Accidents
27.1 All persons involved in motor vehicle accidents on campus shall report such accidents to the NCCU Police Department. NCGS 20-166.1 provides, in part, that all accidents involving vehicles in which bodily injury and/or damage to one or more vehicles appears to be $1,000 or more shall be reported by the driver involved to the NCCU Police Department, municipal police, or sheriff, as the location of the accident may require.
28. Towing Policy
28.1 The NCCU Police Department is authorized to remove to a storage area any vehicle illegally parked. The cost of any such removal shall constitute a lien on the vehicle that may be enforced in the manner provided by law enforcement of the Lien of Mechanics and Material Men. Unregistered vehicles parked on campus and registered vehicles parked illegally in towing-enforced zones may be towed. The department uses a rotation of local towing companies and the charges can vary to tow a vehicle pursuant to NCGS 116.44.4(I).
28.2 In addition to any fine assessed for a violation of this Ordinance, the owner of a vehicle which is towed from the University is responsible for payment directly to the towing contractor of any towing and/or storage fee charged for such towing.
28.3 The NCCU Police Department provides a petition/appeal procedure for the resolution of both towing and parking violations.
28.4 Whenever a vehicle with a valid license plate or registration is towed as provided in NCGS 20-119.2, the authorizing person will immediately notify the last known registered owner of the vehicle of the following:
28.4.1 Description of the vehicle;
28.4.2 Location of vehicle;
28.4.3 Violation with which the owner is charged, if any;
28.4.4 Procedure the owner must follow to have the vehicle returned to him, and;
28.4.5 Procedure the owner must follow to request a probable cause hearing on the towing.
29. Towing Rules
29.1 A vehicle will be towed when:
29.1.1 Vehicles parked on campus without a parking decal will be towed at owner’s expense.
29.1.2 Illegally parks in a reserved parking space without a parking decal that matches that reserve space will be towed at owner’s expense.
29.1.3 Illegally parked in an emergency space or is blocking an emergency road.
29.1.4 Received three or more parking violations and the vehicle has been immobilized for the duration of 48 hours.
29.1.5 Abandoned vehicle that has been parked illegally for more than ten days, or which is determined to be "derelict" under NCGS 20-137.7, and dispose of such vehicles as prescribed by NCGS 20-137.6 to 20-137.14.
29.2 The NCCU Police Department is not responsible for damages that occur due to towing. Individuals who believe that their cars have been damaged by towing should contact the tow service involved. Each tow service that contracts to tow on campus must be covered with liability insurance for such damages.
29.3 Vehicles may also be towed for individual violations where a roadway or sidewalk is blocked, when handicap access is blocked, for parking in a reserved or handicapped space, for failing to clear a designated lot on game day, and for other violations and situations where towing is judged necessary to preserve order. Most of the time, towed vehicles are not impounded on campus.
30. Liability, Application and Responsibility
30.1 The University assumes no liability or responsibility for damage or theft to any vehicle parked in or on University properties subject to the jurisdiction or control of the NCCU Board of Trustees.
30.2 The provisions of these Ordinances shall apply to all operators of all vehicles, public and private, and they shall be enforced twenty-four hours a day unless otherwise specified by these Ordinances. No person shall violate any of the provisions of these Ordinances except as otherwise permitted by these Ordinances, North Carolina General Statutes, or police officers and other authorized officials.
31. Rules of Evidence
31.1 Evidence that a motor vehicle was found parked or unattended in violation of these Ordinances is prima facie evidence that the vehicle was parked by:
31.1.1 The person holding a University parking decal for the vehicle, or;
31.1.2 If no University parking decal has been issued for the vehicle and the vehicle is not registered with the University, the person in whose name it is registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
32. Public of Ordinances
32.1 The Chancellor or an appointed delegate shall cause copies of these Ordinances and any regulations issued pursuant hereto to be made available to faculty, staff, and students of the University.
33. Violation of Ordinance
33.1 Violations of these Ordinances may result in civil penalties and/or appropriate administrative sanctions.
34. NOTE: Parking rules and regulations are enforced all year at all times. Reserved spaces are restricted at all times.
35. Additional References
35.1 NCGS 20; NCGS 20-4.1; NCGS 20-119.11; NCGS 20-137.6; NCGS 20-137.7; NCGS 20-137-14, NCGS 20-166.1; NCGS 20-222
35.2 NCGS 116-55.4(I); NCGS 116-44.3; NCGS 116-44.4
35.3 NCGS 136-30
35.4 NCGS 137.7
36. Schedule 1
36.1 NCCU Decals Fees (Table)
Reserved |
$575.00 |
Non-Reserved |