Spring 2021 Move-In, Testing Plans and Precautions: Division of Student Affairs

Posted November 19, 2020, 2:37PM

November 19, 2020 

Eagle Community:  

Last week we shared details encouraging students to get tested before departing campus and continuing to stay vigilant while on holiday break. We’d like to share our plan to effectively detect and monitor the potential spread of COVID-19 in the spring. Building on what we learned the last few months, we have adapted our testing, isolation and quarantine processes to help control the potential spread of the virus while ensuring students receive quality care and attention.  

Spring Move-In Plan  

  • Move-in will be by APPOINTMENT ONLY. 
  • Students will sign up for move-in appointments from January 7th to January 10th between the hours of 9:00 am and 8:00 pm.  
  • All returning and new residential life students will be tested in the halls as they arrive for move-in.  
  • Students returning after January 10th must be tested prior to moving into their residence hall. 

Spring Testing  

  • Both Binax rapid antigen and PCR confirmation tests will be administered to students upon return from winter break. Binax rapid antigen tests are administered by a very short nasal swab and will deliver results within 15 minutes. The PCR confirmation test is also administered by a short nasal swab and provides a laboratory confirmation within 24 to 36 hours.  
  • Any student who receives a positive Binax result will immediately be moved to isolation. All other students should self-quarantine until results from the PCR confirmation tests are delivered. 
  • Surveillance testing will begin January 25th and will occur in Walker Complex. Each residence hall and any special populations (student-athletes, students taking face-to-face classes, high-risk individuals) will be on rotation throughout the semester for periodic testing.  
  • Additional testing will be available for those who are symptomatic, asymptomatic, and those in close contact with positive cases. These tests are available Monday through Saturday and will be conducted based on referral. Students may receive a referral from Student Health, NCCU’s designated COVID team, or self-refer through the Medicat form on MyEOL.  
  • At any time, students can request to get tested for COVID-19 without any symptoms present. You may self-refer through Medicat on MyEOL, or sign up for residence hall testing on Engage.  

Isolation and Quarantine  

Any campus community member who tests positive for COVID-19 or is identified as having been in close contact with an individual who tests positive will be directed to isolate and quarantine. Quarantine is used to keep anyone who has been exposed to the virus away from others in case they contract the virus, while isolation is for people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and need to receive any necessary medical care.  

For students who are placed in quarantine or isolation, you can expect the following: 

  • We have designated 202 spaces in Martha Street Apartments, McLean and Rush residence halls as isolation and quarantine spaces. Each space has sanitized bathroom facilities and will be stocked with snacks, water, toiletries, sanitizing supplies, linens and other items students may need during their stay.  
  • Services from the Counseling Center, Student Health, Campus Recreation, Student Accessibility Services and the Office of Spiritual Development and Dialogue will be available to students in quarantine and isolation spaces remotely. To the degree possible, students will continue academic activities remotely.  
  • Transportation is available to and from the location if medical care is needed.   
  • When students have completed their stay in isolation or quarantine, they will be notified by the COVID team or Student Health and given access to any medical follow-up and directed to return to their living space.  
  • Faculty and staff should quarantine or isolate at home.  

Spring Safety Precautions 

Our experiences last spring and this fall have shown that it is difficult to predict how COVID-19 will spread. Many will develop mild symptoms similar to that of the influenza virus or the common cold, or many will display no symptoms at all.  

To safeguard our community, we will continue to extend all protective policies into the spring semester. These will include previously announced policies surrounding visitation, events, gatherings, dining, testing, and mask usage. We remind you that there is currently no visitation allowed in the residence halls, masks should be worn at all times, and large gatherings should be avoided. We urge everyone to continue to practice social distancing, mask-wearing, hand washing and other protective behaviors.  

The University Coronavirus website will provide more specific information about further plans for the spring semester as they become available. Residential Life students will receive follow-up information about what to expect and when to sign up for move-in.  

Thank you for continuing to do your part to protect the nest. Sending best wishes for a safe, happy, and healthy winter break.   

In Truth and Service,  

Dr. Angela Coleman 

Vice Chancellor, Division of Student Affairs