Patrick R. Liverpool to Serve as Interim Provost

Posted July 29, 2019, 4:04PM

Patrick Liverpool

Patrick R. Liverpool, Ph.D., a veteran administrator and senior academic leader, has been appointed to serve as interim provost and vice chancellor of Academic Affairs for North Carolina Central University (NCCU) beginning June 1, 2019. Liverpool will be part of the university’s Cabinet and report directly to Johnson O. Akinleye, Ph.D., NCCU’s chancellor.

In the role as interim provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, Liverpool will lead the Academic Planning Council while continuing to support and oversee NCCU’s academic enterprise. As a pioneering academic leader, he will ensure that the university’s colleges and schools move forward and NCCU’s undergraduate, graduate and professional program offerings sustain their high quality and remain competitive, first-choice options for students.

Most recently, Liverpool retired as provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. There, he was instrumental in spearheading efforts to strengthen and streamline UMES’s academic unit and leading the institution in earning Doctoral University status from the Carnegie Classification organization. Under his leadership, UMES achieved numerous milestones in student success, including the highest four-year graduation rate in 14 years, the highest six-year graduation rate in nine years and the two largest graduating classes in the university’s history. Liverpool’s tenure also saw the successful reaffirmation of accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and several other accrediting bodies, including the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), initial specialized program accreditation by Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology Inc. (ABET), Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the PGA Golf Management University Program.

Liverpool has served in the University of North Carolina System as interim dean for the School of Business and Economics and interim associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs at North Carolina A&T State University. Over the course of a decade, Liverpool has been tapped for numerous key interim leadership roles, including interim executive vice president and provost at Fisk University, interim provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at Central State University and interim dean of the School of Business and Industry at Florida A&M University. Some of the additional administrative positions held by Liverpool include dean and MBNA America professor in the School of Management at Delaware State University and vice provost for University Outreach and International Programs at Virginia Tech.

Liverpool earned a Doctor of Business Administration from Kent State University and pursued Doctoral Studies in Management at Vanderbilt University. His Master of Business Administration in marketing and Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business degrees are both from Inter American University of Puerto Rico.