NCCU Professor Darlene Eberhardt-Burke honored by UNC Board of Governors for Excellence in Teaching

Posted May 03, 2023, 5:27PM

Darlene Eberhardt-Burke, Ph.D., has been named one of 17 faculty members in the University of North Carolina (UNC) System to receive the 2023 Awards for Excellence in Teaching.  

Eberhardt-Burke serves as an associate professor and interim chair in the department of human sciences in North Carolina Central University’s (NCCU) College of Health and Sciences. She has taught undergraduate courses in the clothing and textiles curriculum and graduate courses in the family and consumer sciences curriculum, among others.  

Eberhardt-Burke is no stranger to recognition of her impact in the classroom. In 2015, she won both the NNCCU Award for Excellence and Teaching and the NCCU Student Disability Services Faculty of the Year Award. 

Eberhardt-Burke has codified her teaching style into six principles: (1) engaging the student; (2) respecting the student; (3) setting clear and realistic goals; (4) letting the student make mistakes; (5) establishing fair and clear grading policies; (6) and identifying and fixing problems early.  

“…One of the most important things that we can teach our students is that textiles and apparel is interesting, relevant and most importantly, fun,” said Eberhardt-Burke. “A student who’s curious and interested in any subject is very easy to teach [and] as the teacher, it’s my job to present the subject in a fascinating manner that shows the elegance and beauty of the fashion world.”  

Eberhardt-Burke notes that she wants to make her classes enjoyable and engaging, and for students to love what they do. 

She also supports her classroom work with strong efforts in collaboration and fundraising. In the past two years, Eberhardt-Burke secured $250,000 in funding from private organizations for curriculum enhancement and student support. This includes a $100,000 award from the GAP, in partnership with ICON 360, delivering the largest award by this partnership to an historically Black college or university (HBCU). 

Eberhardt-Burke holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Delaware State University, master’s degree in biochemistry from Hampton University and Ph.D. in clothing textiles from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 

Established in 1994 by the UNC Board of Governors, the Excellence in Teaching Awards underscore the importance of teaching, encouraging and rewarding good teaching within the UNC System. 

For more information about the awards, visit