NCCU Power Outages & Campus Operations Updates, Aug. 15 (Update #3)

Posted August 15, 2023, 7:36PM

August 16, 2023 Update

Power has been restored to all buildings on campus and NCCU will return to normal operations at 12 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 16.


Classes will return to normal schedules beginning at 12 p.m. The School of Law will hold virtual classes today.

Campus Security

Some blue light/emergency phones are still not in service. In the event of an emergency, please contact NCCU Police at 919-530-6106.

Operational Updates

As we work to fully restore network and central services to campus, note the following operational updates for today, August 16, 2023:


  • Shepard Library: Open 12 p.m. – 2 a.m.

 Campus Dining Services

  • Lunch and Dinner: Will be served on a regular schedule beginning at 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. for lunch and 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. for dinner in the W.G. Pearson Dining Hall.
  • Retail Locations: All retail locations will reopen at noon, with the exception of Starbucks, which will reopen at 4 p.m. – 11 p.m.

 Division of Student Affairs

  • Campus Recreation: The fitness center and gym will be closed today.
  • Campus Shuttle: The campus shuttle is running on normal operational hours, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


August 15, 2023 Update

Power has been restored to many campus buildings and University officials continue to work closely with Duke Energy to fully restore power to campus. At one point tonight, more than 78,000 Duke Energy customers were without power.

NCCU will operate under Condition 1 (Reduced Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy through 12 p.m., Wednesday, August 16.

During adverse weather and other emergency event conditions, employees should take reasonable precautions for personal safety.


Classes are suspended until 12 p.m.

Campus Security:

Police and public safety have called in all staff to provide perimeter security overnight while Duke Energy assesses the damage caused by the storm. Extra officers will patrol all residential buildings to ensure safety. Students are encouraged to be vigilant and remain in their rooms. For your safety, please do not leave campus.

Additionally, some blue light/emergency phones are not in service. In the event of an emergency, please contact NCCU Police at 919-530-6106.

Under Condition 1:

“The University remains open, but certain non-mandatory operations may be reduced due to more limited staffing. Mandatory employees must report to or remain at work. All other employees have the option to report late, leave early, or not work at all; however, the employee is responsible for informing his/her supervisory chain in a timely manner of all such decisions. Employees must code available leave for any work time missed during a Condition 1, unless the supervisor authorized off site work arrangements…”

Employees not working during a Condition 1 declaration are required to use personal leave.  Adverse weather leave must be reconciled (made-up) within 90 days. Faculty and staff should reference the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy.

Operational Updates:

As we work to fully restore power to campus, note the following operational updates for tomorrow, Aug. 16, 2023:


  • Shepard Library: Closed until 12 p.m.

Campus Dining Services

  • Breakfast: Will be served 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the NCCU Student Center Event Hall.
  • All retail locations in the W.G. Pearson Dining Hall (Pizza Hut, Subway and the College Market) will be closed.

 Division of Student Affairs

  • Campus Recreation: The fitness center and gym will operate on regular schedule (6 a.m. – 9 p.m.).
  • Campus Shuttle: The campus shuttle will run normal operational hours (7 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

Additional updates will be shared as needed.


August 15, 2023 Initial Post

North Carolina Central University has experienced significant power and network outages due to the severe storms that descended upon the Triangle area this afternoon. University officials are working closely with Duke Energy to restore power to campus. The following buildings have been reported without power:

  • Benjamin Ruffin Residence Hall
  • Biomanufacturing Research Institute and Technology Enterprise (BRITE)
  • Eagle Landing Residence Hall
  • Mary Townes Science Building 
  • NCCU Police Station
  • W.G. Pearson Dining Hall

Additionally, some blue light/emergency phones are not in service. In the event of an emergency, please contact NCCU Police at 919-530-6106.

As we work to restore power to campus, note the following operational updates for tomorrow, Aug. 16, 2023:

Campus Dining Services

  • Breakfast: Will be served 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the NCCU Student Center Event Hall.
  • All retail locations in the W.G. Pearson Dining Hall (Pizza Hut, Subway and the College Market) will be closed.

Division of Student Affairs

  • Campus Recreation: The fitness center and gym will operate on regular schedule (6 a.m. – 9 p.m.).

Additional updates will be shared as needed.