NCCU Partners with Credly for Digital Credential Initiative

Posted October 14, 2021, 12:59PM

North Carolina Central University (NCCU) has launched a digital badging initiative with Credlyto provide individuals who successfully complete online coursework with verified digital badges.

Digital badges are considered an industry standard as it recognizes and verifies learning and skill masterythough metadata by providing secure, certified digital credentials. Many badge earners share credentials on social media platforms including LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

“We are ecstatic to institute NCCU’s comprehensive digital credentialing initiative through Credly and provide a seamless, effective and innovative way to recognize our colleagues within the NCCU community,” said Kimberly Phifer-McGhee, Ed.D., associate vice chancellor for Extended Studies and Student Support at NCCU.

Housed within the Division of Extended Studies, the Office of Continuing Education and the Office of e-Learning will provide individuals with skills and digital credentials to showcase advanced qualifications.  

Launched in September, the Interaction and Engagement Continuity badge is the first NCCU-developed digital credential. It provides faculty and staff an opportunity to discuss various learning activities, best practices and instructional tools to promote engagement and increase motivation towards successful completion of courses.

Through this badging initiative, the Office of e-Learning will celebrate the dedication of our faculty and staff to quality online learning and simultaneously support NCCU’s academic units in systematically cataloging the skills their faculty and staff acquire through their participation in ongoing professional development, said Office of e-Learning director Racheal Brooks, Ph.D.

The Office of e-Learning will award digital badges to NCCU faculty and staff who attend, participate and provide information for various e-learning professional development programming. The digital badging initiative will also contribute to the practice of evaluation, promotion and tenure for faculty members. 

Over the course of next year, the Office of Continuing Education will begin awarding digital badges for individuals who successfully complete select training opportunities.