NCCU Alumni Partner with Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina for Food Distribution on Feb. 1

Posted January 31, 2020, 2:04PM

NCCU Alumni Partner with Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina for Food Distribution on Feb. 1

WHAT:         The North Carolina Central University National Alumni Association, Inc. and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina are sponsoring a Community Food Distribution for residents in and around the Triangle region of North Carolina on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2020. The organizations will distribute free perishable and non-perishable food items.

WHO:            NCCU National Alumni Association Inc. and Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina

WHEN:         11 a.m.- Until                      

                      Saturday, Feb. 1, 2020

WHERE:       North Carolina Central University

                      Lawson Street Parking Deck Lot

                      705 E. Lawson Street

                      Durham, NC 27707

For questions and additional information, please contact Samuel Cooper, president, NCCU Alumni Association, Inc., at [email protected] or 704-308-4661.