NCCU 134th Commencement Details

Posted December 12, 2019, 3:27PM

North Carolina Central University (NCCU) will hold its 134th Commencement Exercises on Saturday, December 14, in the McDougald–McLendon Arena to award master’s, professional and baccalaureate degrees. Academy Award-winning costume designer Ruth E. Carter will deliver the keynote address to graduates. 

Entry Times for Commencement Ceremonies

The doors at McDougald-McLendon Arena will open at 6 a.m. for the Graduate and Professional Ceremony. Entry into McDougald-McLendon Arena will begin at 12 p.m. for the Baccalaureate Ceremony.

Security Protocols

For your protection and the protection of others, guests entering McDougald-McLendon Arena will pass through a metal detector or be scanned by a hand-held metal detector. Additionally, bags may be searched. To provide a safer environment for the public and significantly expedite entry, guests are encouraged but not required to use clear bags. As a reminder, firearms and weapons of any type are prohibited on campus and other educational property as per North Carolina General Statute 14-269.2.

Outside food and drink, as well as balloons, are prohibited in McDougald-McLendon Arena.


The university will observe open parking throughout campus for this weekend’s Commencement Exercises, with the exception of the Shepard Circle.

  • Main parking area for visitors: Latham Parking Deck, any open space in the deck and surface lot
  • Other parking areas: Lower Level of the Mary Townes Science Complex
  • Handicap parking: 615 Lawson St. rear lot, McDougald–McLendon Arena reserved lot and Latham Parking Deck (nine handicap spaces available)

The Maroon and Grey shuttles will operate every 20 minutes from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Guests can download the “ETA Spot” app from the Android or Apple Store for up-to-date ETAs for each stop. Parking on sidewalks and grassy areas is prohibited.

Seating Reminders

Graduate and professional degree candidates will receive eight tickets and baccalaureate degree candidates will receive four tickets for guests. Tickets are required for admission into the McDougald–McLendon Arena; the university will work to accommodate all guests with valid tickets. 

While general seating is not reserved, we provide designated areas for guests with disabilities. 

Any seats not occupied 15 minutes prior to the start of the ceremonies will be released to the hosts and hostesses.

Overflow Accommodations

The Commencement ceremonies will telecast to audiences in the following overflow sites:

  • B.N. Duke Auditorium - 1851 Fayetteville St.
  • Miller-Morgan Auditorium - 500 Nelson St.
  • A.E. Student Union Building - 507 Nelson St.
  • H.M. Michaux Jr. School of Education Building Auditorium - 700 Cecil St.

Watch the Commencement ceremonies live stream on our Facebook page or here

To ensure safety, guests will not be permitted to congregate in the areas where graduates line up outside the arena. Out of respect, all graduates and their guests are expected to remain at the ceremony until its conclusion.

Please refer to NCCU’s Guest Policies and Procedures for additional information.  

For more information about the 134th Commencement Exercises, visit