Message from the Chancellor: Updated Academic Calendar 2020-2021

Posted October 06, 2020, 12:13PM

Dear NCCU Students, Faculty and Staff:

We are mid-way through the fall 2020 semester and are planning for the spring 2021 semester. I want to again thank all members of the NCCU community for their continued adherence to health and safety guidelines, which are helping us stay safe.

COVID-19 remains actively present throughout our country, and we are preparing for the start of the traditional flu season. To ensure we continue to “Protect the Nest,” the Continuity Planning Task Force and Academic Affairs subcommittees, as well as the Commencement Committee, have made the following adjustments and changes to the 2020-2021 academic calendar: 

Fall 2020 Commencement

  • Following thoughtful consideration and the review of a proposal of an in-person and virtual ceremony that was presented by the Commencement Committee and with input and discussion with student leaders, a decision has been made to hold a virtual ceremony for our 136th Commencement exercises. This will avoid any potential COVID-19 exposure and potential spread that is caused by large gatherings.
    • The ceremony will be presented on Saturday, Dec. 5, 2020. It will be similar to the May 2020 virtual ceremony but with added enhancements.
    • More information and further details will be shared in early October.

Spring 2021 Semester

Below are highlights related to the spring 2021 semester, as well as several changes:

Instruction for all Colleges/Schools, Except the School of Law:


  • Classes start: Jan. 11 (No change)
  • Class end date for all colleges/schools, except the School of Law: April 27 (including exam period). This is one week earlier than the previous schedule.
  • No Saturday classes
  • Exams from April 21-27

Mini-session 1: Jan. 11 – March 4

Mini-session 2: March 5 – April 27

  • Includes one Saturday class (April 17)

School of Law Schedule:

  • Classes start: Jan. 11
  • Classes end: April 27
  • Exams end date: May 7


  • MLK Holiday Remains
  • No Spring Break
  • Good Friday Remains
  • No Reading Day

Please take time to review the academic calendar here in detail as it also notes important information, including a revised move-in schedule for residential halls. We look forward to celebrating our fall 2020 graduates and anticipate a productive and successful remainder of the academic year!

In Truth and Service,

Johnson O. Akinleye, Ph.D., Chancellor