Message from the Chancellor: NCCU's Revised Fall 2020 Academic Calendar

Posted May 27, 2020, 8:50AM

May 27, 2020

Dear NCCU Community:

As we acclimate ourselves to the changing realities that the coronavirus and its impacts have brought into our lives, we want to provide an update regarding university operations for the fall 2020 semester and beyond.

In making decisions for the institution, North Carolina Central University (NCCU) leaders are following guiding principles for health, safety and wellbeing of the university community and the integrity of academic instruction.

After extensive internal discussions, conversations with public health officials and a review of current and projected data, NCCU has adjusted its calendar for the Fall 2020 semester.

Under this new schedule, the fall semester will begin on August 24, 2020, and conclude on November 24, 2020, one day prior to the Thanksgiving break. These dates include final exams for all colleges and schools, with the exception of the School of Law. The School of Law will begin classes on August 17, 2020, and end classes on November 20, 2020; exams for the School of Law will conclude on December 9, 2020. Fall Break, previously scheduled for October 11 and 12, has been eliminated. Additional online instruction dates will be held on Saturdays between August 24 and November 24.

The Fall 2020 calendar was developed with input and recommendations from the Academic Calendar Subcommittee, one of 11 working groups for the NCCU Operations Continuity Task Force. The subcommittee worked in consultation with the Health and Safety Subcommittee and other committees and divisions, including Student Affairs, Administration and Finance, as well as other Academic Affairs units.

NCCU plans to hold fall 2020 Commencement exercises. A date is forthcoming.

The university will publish a “Guide to Returning to Campus.” The university will also release its full Operations Continuity Plan for 2020-2021 in the coming weeks, including details related to preparing for the opening of the new academic year, such as the full academic calendar, welcoming our students back to campus, new health and safety protocols and guidelines and plans for instructional continuity.

Please visit our newly revamped coronavirus website at for updates.

Continue to be well, stay safe and follow North Carolina’s Executive Orders.

In Truth and Service,

Johnson O. Akinleye, Ph.D., Chancellor