June 15, 2020
Dear NCCU Students, Faculty and Staff:
I hope this message finds each of you safe and in good health. NCCU’s Operations, Recovery and Continuity Task Force has worked diligently over the past several months to develop a comprehensive plan. The plan includes information on our health and safety standards, human resources measures, reopening our research facilities, continuity of instruction, and schedule for student move-ins.
The Department of Environmental Health and Safety has prepared a training document to support personnel as we return to campus. Two virtual town halls will be held this week focused on health and safety protocols: one will be hosted by the Division of Academic Affairs in collaboration with our Faculty Senate, and the other will be led by our Staff Senate. Details will follow in a separate correspondence.
We will update the COVID-19 website with new guidance: https://www.nccu.edu/coronavirus.
Please continue to adhere to guidelines and orders set by the State of North Carolina, as well as local and county officials.
In Truth and Service,
Johnson O. Akinleye, Chancellor