Message from Chancellor Johnson O. Akinleye: Passing of an Eagle, Ms. Sylvia Annette Rice

Posted March 11, 2020, 1:56PM

Dear Eagle Community,

North Carolina Central University has lost a member of our university community. Ms. Sylvia Annette Rice, a senior nursing major, passed away on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2020. She was earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, with a concentration in nursing on the RN-to-BSN track.

A memorial service will be held on March 14, 2020, in Ms. Rice’s hometown.

The Counseling Center is open and available for students who would like to speak with a counselor. The Office of Spiritual Development and Dialogue also has staff on duty for consultation. 

Please keep Ms. Rice’s children, NCCU Eagle Nicolette Cumberbatch, Nicole Cumberbatch, Nicholas Cumberbatch Jr. and Ronald Rice-Smith and her entire family and friends in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

In Truth and Service,

Johnson O. Akinleye, Ph.D.
