Juvenile Law Students Serve Local Community

Posted December 02, 2022, 5:40AM

The NCCU Juvenile Law Clinic was established in recognition of the
large number of Durham County Youth who need quality legal representation and other services. The Juvenile Clinic provides three services including legal representation in delinquency hearings, legal representation for youth in Durham Public Schools suspension hearings and referrals to community resources.

It has been a busy and productive semester in the Clinic. Each student enrolled in the Juvenile Clinic has upheld our motto of “Truth and Service” through their representation of juveniles. So far this semester, the Clinic Students have represented 23 clients for first appearances, Probable Cause Hearings, Adjudications, Dispositions and Motions for Review. The students have also engaged in client communication, discovery review and extensive discovery review.

Students were also able to meet and interact with all seven Durham County District Court Judges. Students networked with many area attorneys who shared practice tips and encouragement for our future lawyers.

In preparation for the Holidays, the Juvenile Clinic law students participated in an outreach opportunity with the Broad Street Juvenile Detention Center where several of our clients are currently housed. The Clinic law students provided an early holiday meal for the juveniles and staff of the Detention Center and also donated board games. This was a rewarding experience for the staff, juveniles and our Juvenile Clinic law students.