Campus Accreditation Director Named to National Board
The highest university accreditation organization in the nation has added an Eagle to its board of directors.
Pauletta Bracy, Ph.D., professor of library science and director of the Office of University Accreditation at North Carolina Central University, was appointed to the board of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation in July 2019. She is the only member from a historically black college or university. “I am dedicated to sharing the HBCU perspective so my peers can gain more insight and knowledge about our esteemed institutions,” Bracy said.
Bracy has worked on educational oversight panels for three decades, beginning as an accreditation facilitator for the American Library Association.
“I gained a lot of experience serving on teams and chairing the executive boards of the accreditors, so that gave me much experience in governances, as well in the field of working with different programs and institutions,” she said.
Since 2009, Bracy has guided NCCU through three successful rounds of accreditations with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
The Council for Higher Education Accreditation is the only national organization focused exclusively on higher education, accreditation, and quality assurance.