Eagle Weather Alert: Severe Weather Event (Jan. 9)

Posted January 09, 2024, 1:42PM

NCCU Community:

North Carolina Central University (NCCU) officials are closely monitoring the Severe Weather Event expected to cause significant impacts to North Carolina today. Weather models forecast heavy rainfall with the potential for flash flooding, and sustained winds of 26 mph and wind gusts of up to 41 mph.

NCCU will operate under Condition 1 (Reduced Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy today, Jan. 9, beginning at 2:25 p.m., through 12 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 10.

During adverse weather and other emergency event conditions, employees should take reasonable precautions for personal safety.

Classes will be held online beginning at 2:25 p.m. today. Faculty who have scheduled classes – but are unable to report on a day when classes are being held – should make every effort to notify class participants in advance to the extent possible of class cancellation. Students who miss scheduled activities will be allowed to make up any work missed. Faculty members should make arrangements to complete all interrupted activities.

Under Condition 1:

“The University remains open, but certain non-mandatory operations may be reduced due to more limited staffing. Mandatory employees must report to or remain at work. All other employees have the option to report late, leave early, or not work at all; however, the employee is responsible for informing his/her supervisory chain in a timely manner of all such decisions. Employees must code available leave for any work time missed during a Condition 1, unless the supervisor authorized off site work arrangements…”

Employees not working during a Condition 1 declaration are required to use personal leave.  Adverse weather leave must be reconciled (made-up) within 90 days. Faculty and staff should reference the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy. for guidance.

Should campus operations change, we will communicate all updates via the Rave system (email, text and phone call), weather telephone hotline (919-530-7220), social media (FacebookTwitterInstagram) and on the NCCU website.



  • Campus Recreation: Campus Recreation will close at 3 p.m. and will resume normal operations tomorrow at 6 a.m.
  • NCCU Student Center: The NCCU Student Center will remain open for all scheduled events.
  • Transportation: The Maroon and Gray Shuttle service will be suspended at 8 p.m. The After Dark shuttle service is suspended for this evening.
  • Campus Dining: Campus Dining will operate normal business hours.
  • Shepard Library: The Shepard Library will close at 2:25 p.m. Students requiring assistance may contact the help desk via text 919-799-2183, email [email protected] or chat https://shepard.libanswers.nccu.edu/.

Hours will change accordingly should weather conditions worsen.