Distance Education Awards Ceremony Celebrates Online Undergraduates, April 26

Posted April 16, 2024, 5:37PM
Tonia Williams, '23, Distance Education Awards Ceremony keynote speaker

The Distance Education Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday, April 26, 2024, at 6 p.m. via the Zoom platform, honoring undergraduate students in fully online programs who have demonstrated exceptional academic excellence and significant community service. The virtual event is free to attend and open to the public. 

The ceremony underscores the success of online education and recognizes the diligent efforts of students committed to their academic pursuits. This year's ceremony will commend outstanding online undergraduates for their academic achievements and their dedication to serving their communities. 

Keynote speaker Tonia Williams, a December 2023 graduate of the online Bachelor of Science in Behavioral and Social Sciences Program, will share insights into her distance learning journey and discuss the relevance of online education in contemporary society. Williams brings 17 years of dedicated service to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and currently holds a supervisory position at Durham’s clinical center. 

The spring 2024 members of the Omega Nu Lambda Honor Society, which recognizes exceptional academic achievement and leadership among online learners, will also be inducted during the ceremony. They include: 
Shanedra D. Baker 
Atoya Yvette Barrett 
Liliana V. Bernhardt 
Katharine Black 
Meg Blinson 
Alysia Lynné Coggins 
Kailee B. Collier 
Gianni Duverge 
Kayla Fobbs 
LaTonya T. Graham 
Natasha Monique Hatch 
Lillie Myshai Haywood 
Franklin R. Hines III 
Latasha Hogue 
Nina Mitchell Johnson 
Breyona Jones 
Shanee Jones 
Jalyn Little 
Melody McNair 
Kirstie McSwain 
Linsey Mohlenhoff 
LaToya D. Motley 
Sara Hill Nobles 
Shamika Parker 
Julian Price 
Yasmeine Rand 
NaDean Danielle Raper 
Madison Royal 
Adriana Alejandra Rueda 
Ny’Azja J. Swain 
LiTerry Shanice Tolliver 
Niara M. Tolliver 
Katelyn Marie Truitt 
Marissa Velme 
Crystal A. Williams 

To join the celebration, visit bit.ly/NCCUDEAwards2024 

For more information about the awards ceremony and NCCU Online programs, please contact Sonya Harris, chair of Distance Education Awards Ceremony program, at [email protected] or 919.530.5539; Paulette Morrison-Danner, director of the Division of Extended Studies, at [email protected]; or Clayton Mack, assistance director of the Division of Extended Studies, at [email protected]