Criminal Justice Graduate Achieves Lifelong Dream

Posted May 04, 2021, 2:12PM

At 72-years-old, Sylvia McCorkle always wanted to earn her bachelor’s degree, but life and unwanted circumstances always seemed to get in the way.  

The passing of Sylvia’s mom as well as her decision to enter early retirement after working 11 years at Ram Air Freight as a parts manager and administrator, gave her just the inspiration she needed to accomplish her lifelong goal.   

“I refused to just sit around. I had to do something,” said McCorkle.  

By 2018, she had achieved associate degrees in paralegal technology and criminal justice from Durham Technical Community College, which propelled her to enroll into North Carolina Central University’s Online Criminal Justice program.  

And today, just three short years later, Sylvia stands not only as a proud mother of three, grandmother of nine, and great-grandmother of four beautiful children, but as the recipient of her lifelong goal – a bachelor’s degree. 

“Realizing that I could achieve something so late in life brings me so much joy,” she said. “I am not sure what’s next, but just knowing that I have accomplished what I set out to do many years ago is satisfying enough for me.” 

When asked for words of wisdom for future Eagles, McCorkle proudly proclaimed, “Don’t give up. Keep working towards your dream. You’ll get there sooner or later.”