Please only indicate one preferred first name and do not include your last name. Names that use special characters such as commas may not display on Blackboard. If your current full name is Jonathan Smith and your preferred first name is Johnny, then you would enter "Johnny" in the “Preferred First Name” box, not "Johnny Smith." If you enter your last name too, then your name will show up as "Johnny Smith Smith." Do not enter multiple names like Johnny or John; instead, please choose one. Anything you enter will be displayed on your course roster in Banner, the email system, and other applications where the preferred name can be updated.
NCCU will operate under Condition 1 (Reduced Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy on Friday, Jan. 10, beginning at noon (12 p.m.), through Sunday, Jan. 12, at 11:59 a.m. As we monitor conditions in and around campus and potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers, this Condition 1 could be extended.