LGBTA Resource Center

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Ally (LGBTA) Resource Center at NCCU serves as a vital link by which LGBTQIA+ individuals can find a sense of community and everyone can learn about LGBTQIA+ identities and culture.

Eagles Rise above to Set the Standard

Since opening its doors on April 9, 2013, NCCU’s LGBTA Resource Center has been setting the standard for supporting LGBTQIA+ identifying students across the country. When students connect with the center, they find leadership opportunities, professional development, educational programming, advocacy and family.


Diversity and Inclusion Students

Lavender Liaisons

Our LGBTQIA+ leaders receive leadership training that includes program development, identity development, and career readiness. They are the face of our LGBTA Resource Center and perform outreach and education.

Diversity and Inclusion Training

LGBTQIA+ Sensitivity Training

Our center provides LGBTQIA+ sensitivity training and Safe Zone training to increase knowledge and understanding of how to better serve our students at NCCU.

Students at show

Signature Programming

Our LGBTA Resource Center offers a variety of programs across campus. Our signature events include Welcome Wednesdays, the Homecoming Drag Show, LGBTQ Prom, Lavender Graduation, the Transgender Awareness Event, and the Pride Week Celebration.

On-Campus Resources

Student Accessibility Services

At NCCU, we are committed to ensuring equal access for students with disabilities. 

How to Change Your Preferred Name

If you would like to change your name to your "preferred name" for NCCU, the instructions are on this website. The name change will not happen for all documentation; however, the website describes where the changes should appear.

Title IX Reporting

NCCU complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all programs and activities in the University's educational programs and activities.

Counseling Center

Our counselors are always ready to help students define goals, make decisions, and solve problems related to personal, social, educational, and career concerns.

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center provides a collaborative and holistic health climate focused on service, care, wellness, and education.

Student Complaint Form

The Student Complaint Form provides students with an avenue to submit a concern regarding an academic or a non-academic matter.

Come Visit Us

The LGBTA Resource Center is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We welcome all students, staff and faculty who identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and those who identify as allies and advocates.

LGBTA Resource Center
Student Center | Suite 2121
500 Nelson Street | Durham, NC 27707