Library instruction classes are conducted for individual classes on how to do research in general, how to obtain resources for specific subject areas, or for specific assignments or projects. The sessions are tailored to meet the needs of each class as outlined by the professor requesting this service. The students will be shown how to:
- Identify appropriate keywords and concepts in their topic
- Identify relevant reference sources for background information
- Search the online catalog for books and/or other materials
- Use keywords and boolean searches when searching databases
- Distinguish between scholarly and non-scholarly sources (journals vs. magazines)
- Find scholarly articles.
- Critically evaluate information sources
- Cite sources using appropriate citation styles
- Find other sources of information as deemed appropriate by the professor
Students also receive hands-on instruction (subject to computer lab availability) and one-on-one assistance outside of class.
Many times students are unwilling or afraid to admit they do not know how to access library resources, and even those who know are usually unsure of the specific databases or resources relevant for a given subject.
You can address this by doing the following:
- Call 919-530-7315 to sign your class up for a library instruction session, or
- Complete a Library Instruction Request Form. In order to ensure adequate preparation, please give two weeks' notice.
- Include your students' research topics or the class assignment in the request form.
Library sessions are more relevant and productive if done when students have chosen their topics. This will help tailor the presentation to the students' research needs. It's also helpful for students to know their topics before the presentation begins so they have an immediate and concrete need for the skills taught.
View the Library Class Calendar