Giving to Student Affairs

Your support helps create the unparalleled Eagle experience through living and learning experiences by the Division of Student Affairs.

A Message from the Vice-Chancellor

The Division of Student Affairs touches each student during their time at NCCU, curating a rich, unique undergraduate student experience. With your support, the Division can work to advance the University’s mission and prepare our students to transform communities upon graduation.

Giving to Student Affairs

As the heartbeat of North Carolina Central University’s campus, the Division of Student Affairs advances the mission of the university by preparing our students to become global leaders and practitioners who transform communities through teaching, researching and service. Philanthropic support helps create the unparalleled Eagle experience through transformational living and learning experiences.

Your Gift Makes a Difference

Your gift to Student Affairs truly makes a difference in the lives of our students. With each gift, our staff can enhance or create programming that allows our students opportunities to soar beyond the classroom. 

Goals and Initiatives

Students health

The Student Health Center provides wellness care for University students, faculty, and staff. Your contribution will fund programming to educate each student on how to take FLIGHT (fostering lifestyles in good health together).

Students group

Your contribution allows students at North Carolina Central University to receive programming, experiences, resources and support to help them soar in any endeavors they pursue. Your support to the Division helps make Week of Welcome, Homecoming, Spring Fling and other memorable Eagle experiences possible.  

Homecoming Parade

The Student Activities Board (SAB) is one of the most integral pieces of each student's time at NCCU. SAB works to provide engaging, creative, multicultural, recreational and educational activities to promote student involvement.

Students group

The Office of Student Advocacy offers guidance, resources and referrals for students who are experiencing difficult situations that impact their academic and personal success.

Career Fair

Career Center

The Career Center prepares NCCU students to be career-ready for life! Your contributions will assist in helping to foster collaborations with campus partners and empower students through career and professional development opportunities. 

Men's Achievement Outside

The Men's Achievement Center (MAC) is committed to enriching the quality of our male students' collegiate experience and ensuring their success at NCCU and beyond. Your contribution will help support mentoring, networking, advising, leadership and training opportunities, professional and personal development, financial literacy and incentives. 

3 students standing together

The Women's Center empowers students to find their voices through personal and professional development and celebrating the strengths and aspirations of women. Your contribution helps fund programming to educate students on healthy relationships, teach leadership skills, provide mentorship and promote self-advocacy. 

Diverse Students

The department of Student Development and Support provides support, guidance, programming, and advocacy for students by addressing how social, natural, and built campus environments affect students’ health and well-being.

Students with check

Fraternity and Sorority Life

NCCU is the best place to go Greek! The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life seeks to provide students with educational programs and services to enhance leadership and learning. Your contribution will assist in funding programs to nurture, support and engage our student body. 

Student Giving

The quality of an Eagle education and all the opportunities received directly relate to contributions from alumni, parents and friends of the University. Our students continue the tradition of paying it forward through individual gifts, fundraising and volunteerism. Each year, students make small donations relating to their class year to develop various opportunities, including scholarships, programming, and beautification projects, so future Eagles know precisely what “In Truth and Service” means.

Parent Giving

You’ve checked your lists, you helped pack their bags, and you brought them to campus. You’ve done everything a parent can do to ensure their safety and success in this significant step that they’re taking. We are invested in your child’s success and offer services to support their time at NCCU. Consider giving to fund programs that directly benefit current students and enrich the student experience. 

NCCU Parent and Family Association


The mission of the North Carolina Central University Parent and Family Association is to offer NCCU parents and family members opportunities for involvement in campus and regional activities that promote the University and enrich students’ college experience.  Membership offers a formal link to the University, making the college experience as positive for families as it is for students.

Types of Gifts

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The Division of Student Affairs is a preeminent, student-centered community that creates supportive and inclusive environments to prepare and empower students to make a difference as global citizens. We have numerous opportunities for impactful interaction with students, staff and faculty across campus, from orientation to graduation  —and with everything in between!

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North Carolina Central University engages corporations as strategic partners by facilitating the alignment of their needs with university initiatives and resources to include, but not limited to, community service, executive education, internships, research and philanthropy. 

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You may donate items of value to NCCU, such as software or computers for departments such as the Men’s Achievement Center and Student Accessibility Services or fitness equipment for Campus Recreation, as well as donations to fulfill other needs identified by our director of development.  

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Many companies have programs to match employee’s charitable gifts. These programs often double or triple the impact of your gift. Search the matching gift registry list  or check with your company’s human resources department to see if they offer a matching gift program. 

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Planned gifts, such as bequests, gift annuities, or trusts, are gift arrangements that allow individuals to meet their own personal needs while providing future support for the student experience at NCCU. They often provide individuals significant tax advantages while simultaneously maximizing giving potential.  

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Stocks and Bonds

A gift of appreciated securities that you have held for more than one year offers significant benefits to the donor and NCCU. You will be eligible to take a federal income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift for up to 30% of your adjusted gross income, and you will not have to recognize the appreciation as a capital gain.

How to Give

With multiple ways to give, supporting NC Central is easy!