The Eagle Pride Blood Drive collects blood donations to help save the lives of children and adults fighting to survive cancer, blood disorders such as sickle cell disease, traumatic injuries, childbirth and more.
The blood drive also raises awareness about organ, bone marrow, and cord blood donation and sickle cell disease. You can also receive training on compression-only CPR. September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Donate and show your support for a sickle cell warrior! On September 20, Eta Sigma Gamma and the Balm in Gilead will also offer COVID-19 education.
- September 19: 11 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
- September 20: 9 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
For an appointment, please visit and enter the sponsor code: NCCU. For more information, please contact 919-530-6422.
Sponsors include Eta Sigma Gamma, Be the Match, Bridges Pointe Sickle Cell Foundation, Omega Psi Phi, the Department of Public Health Education, the Office of Community Engagement and Service, Duke Hematology Department and the Balm in Gilead.
Complete, eat iron-rich foods, drink plenty of water and bring a photo ID.