North Carolina Central University will transition to Condition 2 (Suspended Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy effective through 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 2 may be extended.
Igor Bondarev
Igor V. Bondarev earned his M.S. (1989, Physics, with honors) and Ph.D. (1994, Theoretical Physics) degrees from the Belarusian State University in Minsk, Belarus. Dr. Bondarev earned his D.Sc. degree (2001, Theoretical Solid State Physics) from the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk (the Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics is the habilitation degree awarded to less than one percent of active former Soviet Union scientists having Ph.D.s).
From 1989 to 2005, Dr. Bondarev worked in the Theoretical Physics Laboratory of the Institute for Nuclear Problems at the Belarusian State University (last occupied position: principal research associate/group leader). At the same time, as a visiting professor, he performed his research in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Poland, and Japan, supported by the DAAD (Germany), OSTC (Belgium), JSPS (Japan) and other highly competitive visiting professorship fellowships.
Dr. Bondarev has authored and co-authored over 250 research publications, including one US patent and five book chapters in collective monographs published by Nova Science, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press and American Scientific, USA. His major research accomplishments embrace the areas of theoretical solid-state physics and optical and atomic physics, including (i) confinement-induced nonlocal electromagnetic response theory for ultrathin transdimensional quantum materials (in collaboration with V.M. Shalaev, Purdue University, USA; theory verified and confirmed experimentally at both room and cryogenic temperatures), (ii) theory of excitonic complexes (trion, quaternion, biexciton) in quasi-two-dimensional van der Waals semiconductors (in collaboration with M.R. Vladimirova, University of Montpellier, France and D.W. Snoke, University of Pittsburgh, USA; theory confirmed experimentally for trions, quaternions and biexcitons individually), (iii) near-field quantum electrodynamics formalism development for atomically doped (in collaboration with Ph. Lambin, University of Namur, Belgium) and pristine carbon nanotube systems, (iv) effective quadrupole interactions and magnetic quenching anisotropy theory for the positronium atom in dielectric crystals (confirmed experimentally), (v) positronium self-trapping (in collaboration with T. Hyodo, University of Tokyo, Japan) and nonpolar phonon scattering theory in alkali halide crystals (confirmed experimentally for self-trapping, de-trapping and nonpolar optical scattering individually).
Dr. Bondarev has presented his research at over 40 invited seminars and at over 200 international symposia and conferences in research institutions in Europe, China, Japan, Australia, Mexico, the US, and Canada. His professional achievements and service to the community have been recognized by the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara, USA (KITP Fellow 2022–2023 Recognition Award) and by the State of North Carolina (NC State Excellence in Service Certificate in recognition of fifteen years of service, 2021). Dr. Bondarev is also the recipient of the Presidential Young Investigator Award (Minsk, Belarus, 1999–2001), the NCCU Office of Sponsored Research Award for Technology Innovations (2012), the NCCU College of Science and Technology Outstanding Faculty Research Award (2012, 2007), the NCCU Faculty Senate Award for Scholarly Achievements (2007) and research grant awards from the US National Science Foundation, the US Department of Energy and the US Army Research Office.
Research Interests
Dr. Bondarev's research interests include (view on Google Scholar):
- Theoretical condensed matter physics: Polaron/plasmon/exciton/polariton effects; electron/spin transport in nanostructures; phonon interactions; many-particle Green functions formalism; theory of defects in solids; positron annihilation and muon spin rotation/relaxation/resonance spectroscopies of solids
- Theoretical optical physics: Quantum optics and quantum electrodynamics of semiconductor and carbon nanostructures; resonance Raman and Brillouin scattering; nanooptoplasmonics
- Theoretical atomic and molecular physics: Hydrogen-like atoms; exotic atoms (positronium, muonium); hyperfine interactions; quadrupole interactions
D.Sc. |
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus |
2001 |
Ph.D. |
Belarusian State University |
1994 |
M.S. |
Belarusian State University |
1989 |
- Rodriguez-Lopez, P., & Le, D.-N., & Bondarev, I. V., & Antezza, M., & Woods, L. M. (2024). Giant anisotropy and Casimir phenomena: The case of carbon nanotube metasurfaces. Physical Review B 109, 035422.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Pugh, M. D., & Rodriguez-Lopez, P., & Woods, L. M., & Antezza, M. (2023). Confinement-induced nonlocality and Casimir Force in transdimensional systems. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 29257.
- Salihoglu, H., & Shi, J., & Li, Z., & Wang, Z., & Luo, X., & Bondarev, I. V., & Biehs, S.-A., & Shen, S. (2023). Nonlocal near-field radiative heat transfer by transdimensional plasmonics. Physical Review Letters 131, 086901.
- Biehs, S.-A., & Bondarev, I. V. (2023). Far- and near-field heat transfer in transdimensional plasmonic film systems. Advanced Optical Materials 11, 2202712.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2023). Controlling single-photon emission with ultrathin transdimensional plasmonic films. Annalen der Physik 535, 2200331.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Lozovik, Yu. E. (2022). Magnetic-field-induced Wigner crystallization of charged interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures. Communications Physics (Nature) 5, 315.
- Shah, D., & Yang, M., & Kudyshev, Z., & Xu, X., & Shalaev, V. M., & Bondarev, I. V., & Boltasseva, A. (2022). Thickness-dependent Drude plasma frequency in transdimensional plasmonic TiN. Nano Letters, 22, 4622.
- Sun, Z., & Beaumariage, J., & Wan, Q., & Alnatah, H., & Hougland, N., & Chisholm, J., & Cao, Q., & Watanabe, K., & Taniguchi, T., & Hunt, B., & Bondarev, I. V., & Snoke, D. W. (2021). Charged bosons made of fermions in bilayer structures with strong metallic screening. Nano Letters 21, 7669.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Berman, O. L., & Kezerashvili, R. Ya., & Lozovik, Yu. E. (2021). Crystal phases of charged interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures. Communications Physics (Nature) 4, 134; DOI: 10.1038/s42005-021-00624-1.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Adhikari, C. M. (2021). Collective excitations and optical response of ultrathin carbon-nanotube films. Physical Review Applied, 15, 034001.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Mousavi, H., & Shalaev, V. M. (2020). Transdimensional epsilon-near-zero modes in planar plasmonic nanostructures. Physical Review Research, 2, 013070.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2019). Finite-thickness effects in plasmonic films with periodic cylindrical anisotropy [Invited]. Optical Materials Express, 9, 285-294.
- Vertchenko, L., & Leandro, L., & Shkondin, E., & Takayama, O., & Bondarev, I. V., & Akopian, N., & Lavrinenko, A. V. (2019). Cryogenic characterization of titanium nitride thin films. Optical Materials Express, 9, 2117.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Mousavi, H., & Shalaev, V. M. (2018). Optical response of finite-thickness ultrathin plasmonic films. MRS Communications, 8,1092-1097.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Vladimirova, M. R. (2018). Complexes of dipolar excitons in layered quasi-two-dimensional nanostructures. Physical Review B, 97, 165419.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Shalaev, V. M. (2017). Universal features of the optical properties of ultrathin plasmonic films. Optical Materials Express, 7, 3731-3740.
- Popescu, A. …, & Ade, H. W., & Gundogdu, K., & Bondarev, I. V. (2017). Monitoring charge separation processes in quasi-one-dimensional organic crystalline structures. Nano Letters, 17, 6056-6061.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Popescu, A., & Younts, R. A., & Hoffman, B. (2016). Lowest energy Frenkel and charge transfer exciton intermixing in one-dimensional copper phthalocyanine molecular lattice. Applied Physics Letters, 109, 213302.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2016). Configuration space method for calculating binding energies of exciton complexes in quasi-1D/2D semiconductors. Modern Physics Letters B, 30, 1630006.
- Drosdoff, D., & Bondarev, I. V., & Widom, A., & Podgornik, R., & Woods L. M. (2016). Charge-induced fluctuation forces in graphitic nanostructures. Physical Review X, 6, 011004.
- Gelin, M. F., & Bondarev, I. V. (2016). One-dimensional transport in hybrid metal-semiconductor nanotube systems. Physical Review B, 93, 115422.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2015). Plasmon enhanced Raman scattering effect for an atom near a carbon nanotube. Optics Express, 23, 3971-3984.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2014). Relative stability of excitonic complexes in quasi-one-dimensional semiconductors. Physical Review B, 90, 245430.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Meliksetyan, A. V. (2014). Possibility for exciton Bose-Einstein condensation in carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B, 89, 045414.
- Gelin, M. F., & Bondarev, I. V., & Meliksetyan, A. V. (2014). Optically promoted bipartite entanglement in hybrid metallic carbon nanotube systems. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 140, 064301.
- Hertel, T., & Bondarev, I. V. (2013). Photophysics of carbon nanotubes and nanotube composites (Special Issue, Hertel & Bondarev, Eds.). Chemical Physics, 413, 1-132.
- Woods, L. M., & Popescu, A., & Drosdoff, D., & Bondarev, I. V. (2013). Dispersive interactions in graphitic nanostructures. Chemical Physics, 413, 116.
- Gelin, M. F., & Bondarev, I. V., & Meliksetyan, A. V. (2013). Monitoring bipartite entanglement in hybrid carbon nanotube systems via optical 2D photon-echo spectroscopy. Chemical Physics, 413, 123.
- Phan, A. D., & Woods, L. M., & Drosdoff, D., & Bondarev, I. V., & Viet, N. A. (2012). Temperature dependent graphene suspension due to thermal Casimir interaction. Applied Physics Letters, 101, 113118.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Gelin, M. F., & Domcke, W. (2012). Plasmon nanooptics with individual single wall carbon nanotubes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 393, 012024.
- Drosdoff, D. & Phan, A. D., & Woods, L. M., & Bondarev, I. V., & Dobson, J. F. (2012). Effects of spatial dispersion on the Casimir force between graphene sheets. The European Physical Journal B, 85, 365.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Antonijevic, T. (2012). Surface plasmon amplification under controlled exciton-plasmon coupling in individual carbon nanotubes. Physica Status Solidi C, 9, 1259.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2011). Electrostatic field control of exciton-plasmon coupling and optical response of individual carbon nanotubes. Physica Status Solidi B, 248, 468.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2012). Single wall carbon nanotubes as coherent plasmon generators. Physical Review B, 85, 035448.
- Popescu, A., & Woods, L. M., & Bondarev, I. V. (2011). Chirality dependent carbon nanotube interactions. Physical Review B: Rapid Communications, 83, 81406.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2011). Asymptotic exchange coupling of quasi-one-dimensional excitons in carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B, 83, 153409.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2010). Surface electromagnetic phenomena in pristine and atomically doped carbon nanotubes (Invited Review Article) Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 7, 1673-1687.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Woods, L. M., & Tatur, K. (2009). Strong exciton-plasmon coupling in semiconducting carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B, 80, 085407.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Inoue, K., & Suzuki, N., & Hyodo, T. (2007). Tunnel detrapping of self-trapped positronium in SrF2 single crystal. Physica Status Solidi C, 4, 3867-3870.
- Inoue, K., & Suzuki, N., & Bondarev, I. V., & Hyodo, T. (2007). Temperature-activated transition of positronium from self-trapped to delocalized state in CaF2. Physical Review B, 76, 024304.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Nagai, Y., & Kakimoto, M., & Hyodo, T. (2005). Nonpolar optical scattering of positronium in magnesium fluoride. Physical Review B, 72, 012303.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Lambin, P. (2005). van der Waals coupling in atomically doped carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B, 72, 035451.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Lambin, P. (2004). Spontaneous decay dynamics in atomically doped carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B, 70, 035407.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2004). Delocalized positronium as a tool for investigation of second-order structural phase transitions in crystalline dielectrics. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 221, 230-234.
- Suzuki, N. …, & Hyodo, T. …, & Bondarev, I. V., & Kuten, S. A. (2003). Quadrupole interaction of positronium in alpha-quartz. Physical Review B, 67, 73104.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Maksimenko, S. A., & Slepyan, G. Y., & Krestnikov, I. L. (2003). Exciton-phonon interactions and exciton dephasing in semiconductor quantum well heterostructures. Physical Review B, 68, 073310.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Slepyan, G. Y., & Maksimenko, S. A. (2002). Spontaneous decay ofexcited atomic states near a carbon nanotube. Physical Review Letters, 89, 115504.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2001). Delocalized positronium in alkali-halide crystals: Analysis of possible lattice-scattering processes. Physics Letters A, 291, 39-45.
- Bondarev, I. V. (2000). On the role of nonpolar optical scattering for a delocalized positronium in ionic crystals. JETP Letters, 72, 468-471.
- Bondarev, I. V. (1999). Anisotropic magnetic quenching of positronium states in oriented crystals. Physics of the Solid State, 41, 909-912.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Hyodo, T. (1998). Positronium in alkali halides: Tunneling from the delocalized to the self-trapped state. Physical Review B, 57, 11341.
- Bondarev, I. V. (1998). Existence of free and self-trapped positronium states in alkalihalide crystals: Theoretical analysis and comparison with experiment. Physical Review B, 58, 12011.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Kuten, S. A. (1996). Invariant atomic parameters in the ground state of a hydrogen-like atom. JETP, 82, 600-606.
- Bondarev, I. V., & Kuten, S. A. (1995). Quadrupole interactions and anisotropic magnetic quenching of positronium in oriented crystals. Acta Physica Polonica A, 88, 83-90.