Christopher J Paul
Dr. Christopher Paul is the chair of the Department of Public Administration and a tenured associate professor at North Carolina Central University. NCCU's M.P.A. program is the second largest in North Carolina and the largest at any HBCU. In the M.P.A. program, Dr. Paul leads the health policy specializations and teaches cores in leadership, public policy and research methods. Dr. Paul's research focuses on the political economy of the environment, social capital, health and development, and he has published over 25 peer-reviewed articles to date. Dr. Paul completed his Ph.D. at Duke University in the Sanford School of Public Policy and the Nicholas School of the Environment joint University Program in Environmental Policy, as well as being named an inaugural Global Health Institute Doctoral Scholar.
In 2019, Dr. Paul received the NCCU Excellence in Teaching Award. In 2020–2021 and 2023–2024, Dr. Paul served as an NCCU Office of Faculty and Professional Development Teaching Fellow and has received national certifications from the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) and Quality Matters.
1. Vilme H, Kaninjing E, Paul CJ, Lopez I, Wankie C, Akin-Odanye E, Ndip R, Dokurugu Y, Tendongfor N, Amissah F, White-Means S, Sauls D. 2022. Food insecurity among university students in the United States amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of American College Health,
2. Lee D, Paul CJ, Pilkington W, Mulrooney T, Diggs SN, Kumar D. 2021. Examining the Effects of Social Determinants of Health on COVID-19 Related Stress, Family’s Stress and Discord, and Personal Diagnosis of COVID-19. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 5(100183),
3. Godebo TR, Jeuland MA, Paul CJ, Redda TH. 2021. Water quality threats, perceptions of climate change and behavioral responses among farmers in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Climate 9(6),
4. Marion Suiseeya KR, Elhard DK, Paul CJ. 2021. Towards a Relational Approach in Global Climate Governance: Exploring the Role of Trust. WIREs Climate Change 12(4): e712.
5. Kim H, Kim D, Paul CJ, Lee CK. 2020. The spatial allocation of hospitals with negative pressure isolation rooms in Korea: are we prepared for new outbreaks? International Journal of Health Policy Management 9(11):475-483
6. Vilme H, Paul CJ, Duke N, Sauls D, Campbell S, Skinner A, Muiruri C, Bosworth H, Dokurugu Y, Fay J. 2020. Using Geographic Information Systems to Characterize Food Environments around Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Implications for Nutrition Interventions. The Journal of American College Health,
7. Paul CJ, Paul JE, Anderson RS. 2019. The Local Food Environment and Food Security: The Health Behavior Role of Social Capital. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health, 16(24), 5045;
8. Paul CJ, Jeuland MA, Godebo TR, Weinthal E. 2018. Communities Coping with Risks: Household Water Choice and Environmental Health in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Environmental Science and Policy 86(Aug): 85-94.
9. Paul CJ, Weinthal E. 2018. The Development of Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy 2011-2014: Implications for Rural Adaptation. Climate and Development
10. Yang GG, Kim D, Pham A, Paul CJ. 2018. A Meta-Regression Analysis of the Effectiveness of Mosquito Nets for Malaria Control: The Value of Long-Lasting Insecticide Nets. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health 15(3):546.
11. Aldrich DP, Page CM, Paul CJ. 2016. Social Capital and Climate Change Adaptation. Climate Science: Oxford Research Encyclopedias.
(Of 29 total peer-reviewed publications as of July 2023)
Marks J (PI), Smith N, Paul CJ (NCCU Co-PI). Implementation and Impact Evaluation of ESSER III funded supports for educators in North Carolina’s recurring low-performing schools and districts. North Carolina Collaboratory. $499,236. 2022.
Paul CJ (PI), Diggs SN, Lee D. The Role of Food Security in the Social Determinants of Health: Contingent Impacts of COVID-19 in North Carolina. NC Policy Collaboratory. $65,606. Component project of $1,000,000 grant (PI: Kumar D). 2020.
Paul CJ (PI) and Diggs SN. The Role of Food Security in the Social Determinants of Health: A COVID-19 Rapid Response Pilot Project in the H.O.P.E. Counties. $8,800. COVID19 Response Pilot (CORP) Grants, NCCU NIMHD RCMI. 2020.
Paul CJ (PI) and Diggs SN. Participatory Budgeting Process and Community Engagement in Durham (Project Evaluation). $20,000. Inter-local Agreement with the City of Durham, North Carolina. 2019.