University Alert

Considering the ongoing winter weather event affecting Durham and surrounding areas, the university will extend the current Condition 2 status (Suspended Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy through Friday, Feb. 21, at 11:59 p.m. An update about Saturday’s operations will be shared on Friday afternoon. All non-essential campus operations are suspended during this period.

Division of Extended Studies

Providing flexible and non-traditional study options to the NCCU community!

Extended Studies

At NC Central, we strive to make education accessible to everyone, including those restricted by place and time or individuals seeking life enrichment rather than a formal program of study.

The Division of Extended Studies devotes itself to fulfilling such needs via its four units:  Distance Education and e-Learning, Continuing Education,  Summer School, and Special Students.

•	Distance and Online Education

Distance and Online Education

Distance education and e-learning instruction use a variety of pedagogical strategies to meet the educational needs of students separated from faculty or resources by time, place, or other circumstances. 

•	Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Continuing Education sponsors activities that are designed for life enrichment or for student certification and renewal. 

Summer Semester

Summer School

North Carolina Central University Summer School is designed to give variety and flexibility to the instructional programs of the University while providing a quality education.

The Office of e-Learning

Visiting Students

The University welcomes persons who are pursuing degrees elsewhere or who desire to earn prerequisites for graduate work to take classes at NC Central as Special Students.

Student working

Learn About Canvas

Canvas is a web-based learning management system, or LMS. It is used by learning institutions, educators and students to access and manage online course learning materials and communicate about skill development and learning achievement.

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