Types of Parking on Campus
Reserved: Reserved space parking is enforced at all times, including on university holidays. A reserved-space permit holder is entitled to exclusive use of a designated space 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and only the employee registered with the reserved space is entitled to use of the space.
Faculty/Staff: Non-reserved employee space parking is located throughout the university. Instead of possessing a designated space, employees with a non-reserved permit are able to park in any space within the Non-Reserved Faculty/Staff Zone. Faculty/staff spaces are available between 7 am and 7 pm on weekdays; after 7 pm, anyone with a parking pass is permitted to park in these spaces.
Commuter Student: Commuter student spaces are located in the major lots that line the periphery of campus, including the non-hourly spaces in Latham Deck. Instead of possessing a designated space, students with a commuter student permit are able to park in designated spaces in the following lots: Mary Townes Lower Lot, Latham Surface Lot, Latham Deck, O'Kelly-Riddick Lot, Criminal Justice Gravel, and the School of Education Front Lot.
Residential Student: Residential student spaces are located in the major lots that line the periphery of campus, including the non-hourly spaces in Latham Deck. Instead of possessing a designated space, students with a residential student permit are able to park in designated spaces in the following lots: Mary Townes Lower Lot, Latham Deck, Ben Ruffin Residence Hall Lot, and the Martha Street Apartments Lot.
Metered: Metered spaces are intended for general visitors and anyone who does not wish to purchase an annual pass. The four areas in which metered parking are located include the ground floor of Latham Parking Deck, the top half of Eagle Campus Drive, the spaces leading to the Shepard Administration Circle, and the church parking lot on Formosa Street.
Visitor: Designated visitor spaces are intended for specific guests and are coordinated with campus departments in advance. Those visiting for a specific purpose must still use a decal assigned to them by the department in which they are visiting and may park only in the designated space assigned to them.