On-Time Graduation
When you follow the suggested pathway, you will earn your degree in the expected timeline, surrounded by a supportive and inclusive environment that prepares you to soar.
North Carolina Central University will transition to Condition 2 (Suspended Operations) of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Event Policy effective through 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. The university is closely monitoring conditions on and around campus, as well as potential impacts from Duke Energy and other service providers. If necessary, Condition 2 may be extended.
When you follow the suggested pathway, you will earn your degree in the expected timeline, surrounded by a supportive and inclusive environment that prepares you to soar.
You can work full-time and go to school, have a family or whatever your situation may be. It might be hard — but it’s possible, and it’s worth it. You have faculty, resources and mentors (like me) available at NCCU to support you and cheer you on. If I can do it, you can do it too.
We ensure excellence by providing support for you in areas ranging from a variety of academic disciplines to technical support.
Looking for counseling services, graduate school exposure or how to successfully navigate your NCCU experience as a new student? We’re here for your success.
SSS is a federally-funded TRiO Program intended to improve the retention and graduation rates of first-generation and income-qualified students and students with disabilities at NCCU.
You have access to professional and ethical advisement to assist you with making informed decisions regarding your educational, career and life goals to evaluate and clarify intentions.
This promise is central to our vision for you. Check out our collection of stories from other Eagles who are living the Eagle Promise.
"I’ve been through obstacles, and I want to give back. I want people to have access to care. For those in certain environments, they may not, and that’s where my calling is."