As part of this effort, all admitted nursing students will receive an iPad to support their classroom learning, homework assignments, laboratory activities and clinical practice.
Student-athlete Juan Velarde is one of only 22 college football players in the nation to earn distinguished recognition for exemplary community impact as a member of the 2023 Allstate AFCA Good Works Team®.
Top accolades include No. 11 HBCU in nation; No. 7 best college for veterans and No. 8 top performer on social mobility among southern regional universities.
Grant program will study effectiveness of using data science for social justice as a tool to broaden participation of historically marginalized communities in STEM.
Event will feature leading history and African American studies scholars from across the U.S., reflecting on the history of Durham, Duke, NCCU, scholarship in the Jim Crow South and Black historiography.
The latest album by Lenora Helm Hammonds, D.M.A., called “Journeywoman,” concerns the odyssey of an archetypal woman who struggles with birth, death and self-definition.
Program boasts a retention rate of nearly 90% and all participants from the first cohort – class of 2022 - have graduated with the exception of two students who are currently pursuing a second degree from NCCU.