Health Promotion and Education

Welcome to the Office of Health Promotion and Education at NCCU! We specialize in crafting tailored educational programs designed specifically for NCCU students. Our goal is to provide captivating and interactive sessions that empower students to embrace healthy behaviors and lifestyles.

Programs and Services

We provide a variety of programs, events, and resources designed to meet the needs of our students. These range from in-person training sessions and interactive educational pop-ups to online modules that help students with goal setting, resiliency, and self-help strategies. Below is a snapshot of the programs we offer students throughout the year:

  • Stress management
  • Emotional health
  • Resiliency training
  • Nutrition education
  • Mindfulness training
  • Eating disorder awareness
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) education and prevention
  • Oral health promotion and disease prevention
  • Chronic disease education (e.g., high blood pressure or asthma)
  • Substance use: education, prevention and treatment referral

Safer Sex Supply Distribution Program

Welcome to our Safer Sex Supply Distribution program! Created to foster a culture of safer sex practices campus-wide, we make essential supplies readily accessible throughout NCCU. By offering condoms and other resources at various locations, we aim to actively combat sexually transmitted infections and promote healthier choices among our community members. 

Safer Sex Supplies:

  • Personal lubricants 

  • Dental dam (latex) 

  • External condoms (female) 

  • Colored condoms 

  • Flavored condoms (oral sex only) 

  • Extra-large condoms 

  • Non-latex condoms are available upon request 

Project SAFE

Project SAFE (Save a Fellow Eagle) is the only student-led organization at NCCU focused on HIV/AIDS and STI prevention. Our mission is to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections among NCCU students and the broader community. Through a variety of prevention education activities including outreach to residence halls, prevention parties, formal presentations to organizations, relationship workshops, and special events, we aim to empower individuals with knowledge and resources for healthier lifestyles. Join us in promoting safer practices and building a supportive community!

Embark on your journey to lifelong wellness with our array of on-campus resources. From physical fitness to mental health, discover tailored support for every aspect of your well-being.


Enhancing Occupational Wellness

Embark on your path to occupational wellness by exploring various professional opportunities. Discover roles that align with your passions and skills, fostering personal and career growth for a fulfilling journey. Visit the Career and Professional Development Center or Library Resources to learn more. 


Enhancing Financial Wellness

Empowering yourself with financial literacy today cultivates confidence and resilience for navigating future financial challenges. Explore our offerings in Financial Aid and Scholarship Aid to support your journey toward financial well-being. 


Enhancing Environmental Wellness

Embrace the path to environmental wellness by fostering harmony with the Earth. Explore your impact on nature and take proactive measures to conserve our environment. Engage in initiatives like the Campus Garden and Campus Community Clean-up and prioritize Campus Safety to contribute to a sustainable future.


Enhancing Social Wellness

Striving for social wellness means actively listening, asking meaningful questions, and showing genuine interest in others. It also involves sharing your own experiences to nurture deeper connections. Explore opportunities within Residential Life, Student Development and Support, LGTBA Resource Center, Women's Center, Student Advocacy, the Men's Achievement Center, Student Activities Board, Student Government Association, Student Organizations, and Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life to enrich your social interactions and build a supportive community.


Enhancing Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is a journey of personal exploration, rooted in values and beliefs that give life purpose and significance. It involves asking deep questions, being open to different perspectives, and staying true to your own values while respecting others.


Enhancing Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness emphasizes acknowledging and embracing one's feelings, while also effectively managing life's hurdles and nurturing meaningful connections. It involves maintaining a positive outlook, even during difficult times. Explore support services like the Counseling Center and NCCU Collegiate Recovery Program to enhance your emotional well-being. 

Off-Campus Resources

Discover off-campus resources to complement your journey towards holistic wellness. Explore a range of services and organizations in the broader community dedicated to supporting your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. Whether seeking healthcare, recreational activities, or support networks, these resources extend beyond campus to enrich your overall wellness experience. 

Contact Us


Dozier, Lindsay

Health Educator

Student Health Center

location icon Student Health Building

email icon [email protected]

phone icon 919-530-6947