News Stories

NCCU Timeline
Much of North Carolina Central University’s history is bound up in the biography of its founder. As we celebrate the campus’s 110th anniversary in 2020.
Jarvis and Norma
Three names held dear by alumni couple Jarvis and Norma Martin will also become familiar to current and future Eagles when NCCU’s new School of Business facility opens in 2021.
Students Outside
What became of the 42 African men and women who disembarked along the Cape Fear River at Port Brunswick in the 1740s is still not known.
Stock Photo of Lungs
A pilot project at NCCU’s Research Center in Minority Institutions will help scientists understand how air quality may affect people differently depending on where they live and their racial background.
My Silent Loud
NCCU adjunct professor MALIK MUHAMMAD, PH.D., still remembers feeling left out and misunderstood as a child, especially after moving from his hometown of Chicago to Palo Alto, Calif.
Kala NCCU Now
By day, NCCU doctoral student Kala Nwachukwu researches the neuroimmune system within the brain and how it responds to binge-like consumption of alcohol in the Mary M. Townes Science Complex.