Led by Drs. K. Sean Kimbro and Mildred Pointer, the NCCU NIMHD Exploratory Center of Excellence (P20) has been designated to be the NCCU Center for Translational Health Equality Research (CTHER). Established in June 2012, this center integrates and centralizes ongoing cardio-metabolic minority health and health disparities research into a single trans-disciplinary enterprise. CTHER develops effective partnerships with public and private organizations and communities to conduct basic and translational research leading to positive transformations in minority health.
The center is comprised of four cores: Administration, Research, Research Training and Education, and Community Engagement and Outreach.
BBRI investigators who study the roles of dietary calcium and steroid hormone receptors in hypertension, obesity, diabetes, renal failure, and liver pathology collaborate both with NCCU investigators in the Departments of Nursing, Public Health, Computer Science, and Education and with community organizations committed to serving the medical needs of minority populations. The Community Engagement and Outreach core conducts studies in rural NC communities with medically underserved minority populations. This core explores the role of factors such as community health-promoting infrastructure and interpersonal relationships on type 2 diabetes progression. It also actively engages a rural minority community in effective and sustainable activities for improving community health and disease management that inform and are informed by CTHER team health disparities research.